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“More power!” grunts Tim Allen on the set of Home Improvement. The sales person brags, “This new 4X4 has the highest horsepower in its class.” There’s no question that power impresses. But man’s power is… POWER FROM ABOVE

Studies in Galatians

Standing Fast In The Liberty By Which Christ Has Made Us Free (See 5:1) Galatians 1:11-24 Credibility Gaps When parents just don’t understand their children, or when children just don’t trust their parents, it has… Studies in Galatians


Unless otherwise noted, the comments are the editor’s. * ” . . . MY NIGERIAN DIARY” “The 50 copies that we had ordered disappeared very fast, and people have ordered more copies, so we are… SMORGASBORD

Book Review —

Etubom and Mma Under the Gracious Care of Abasi* *Etubom and Mma are Efik terms of honor and love. Abasi is Efik for God. I cannot tell how delighted I was, while visiting in one… Book Review —


It was probably the most unlikely statement to be made during the entire Gulf War. Within hours after the cease-fire was declared, a badly beaten Saddam Hussein emerged from his bunker and announced his victory.… A COMPLETE VICTORY