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Year/Month: 2012/07

We don’t have to prove ourselves to God.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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We don’t have to prove ourselves to God. Read More

Our incompleteness is filled by Jesus.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Our incompleteness is filled by Jesus. Read More

All of us should be faithful at our jobs.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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All of us should be faithful at our jobs. Read More

Hold tight on Scripture doctrines!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Hold tight on Scripture doctrines! Read More

This is God’s Word on the Antichrist.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
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This is God’s Word on the Antichrist. Read More

Get your daily personal spiritual exercise!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Get your daily personal spiritual exercise! Read More

Today is our time for preparation.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Today is our time for preparation. Read More

Interested in Judgment Day?

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Interested in Judgment Day? Read More

God’s motives/deeds are wholesome.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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God’s motives/deeds are wholesome. Read More

God adjusts dosages of correcting.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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God adjusts dosages of correcting. Read More

Life consists of making the right choices.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Life consists of making the right choices. Read More

Stay attached to Jesus for dear LIFE!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Stay attached to Jesus for dear LIFE! Read More

Jesus, the Be-all-and-end-all of our life.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Jesus, the Be-all-and-end-all of our life. Read More

Mediocrity is poor service.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Mediocrity is poor service. Read More

Let’s help others get to heaven!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Let’s help others get to heaven! Read More

Life is warfare for dominance.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Life is warfare for dominance. Read More

Bad-mouthing comes from selfishness.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Bad-mouthing comes from selfishness. Read More

A dead/dysfunctional faith is trash.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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A dead/dysfunctional faith is trash. Read More

God is glorified when we act as He wants.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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God is glorified when we act as He wants. Read More

Jesus is God’s universal answer/solution.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Jesus is God’s universal answer/solution. Read More

Jesus outranks Levi&sons all ways.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Jesus outranks Levi&sons all ways. Read More

God is faithful to us and true to Himself.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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God is faithful to us and true to Himself. Read More

Let’s mull over these things in our hearts!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Let’s mull over these things in our hearts! Read More

There still is room in heaven!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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There still is room in heaven! Read More

Distrusting Jesus is worse than rebellion.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Distrusting Jesus is worse than rebellion. Read More

A runaway slave returned as brother.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | July, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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A runaway slave returned as brother. Read More

Immanuel Lutheran College Commencement

Written by Paul Koch | July, 2012
Post Categories: Articles,
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Closing Concert and Graduation A seat in the back row was a good choice just to spare my hearing from overload, for the ILC Spring Concert on Friday evening (May 18) at Messiah Church was powerful! Time and again the choirs’ majestic “Alleluias” took crescendo flight to fortissimo heights. Wonderful! Awesome. Read More

This We Believe

Written by Wayne Eichstadt | July, 2012
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475th Anniversary of the SMALCALD ARTICLES “…The Word of God shall establish articles of faith and no one else, not even an angel.” (Luther, SA, Part II, Art. II) 4.Of Sin and the Law As Dr. Martin Luther moves into the third part of his confession, he undertakes a discussion of articles “which we may discuss… Read More »Month Archive Read More

The Lord is Faithful

Written by Warren Fanning | July, 2012
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“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 2 Timothy 4:17-22 17 But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear. … Read More »Month Archive Read More

Let there be…

Written by David W. Bernthal | July, 2012
Post Categories: Church Year,
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Is the pen mightier than the sword? Throughout world history the written word has proved to be powerful. In Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments, Yul Brynner as Pharaoh had an oft-repeated line—“So let it be written; so let it be done.” When Pharaoh’s words were written down, they became law. The spoken words of… Read More »Month Archive Read More

The Miracles of Christ

Written by David Reim | July, 2012
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“…The works that I do in My Father’s name, they bear witness of Me” (John 10:25) Jesus Heals the Man with an Unclean Spirit 23 Now there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit. And he cried out, 24 saying, “Let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of… Read More »Month Archive Read More

For many years, O God of grace…

Written by Paul Koch | July, 2012
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It doesn’t take long to get acquainted with Michael Buck, and decades aren’t long enough to cover the territory. Prof. Buck has fascinating stories to tell of his early years in Austin, Minnesota, followed by military service during the late ‘60s, graduate school at Minnesota State University, Mankato, and settling upon microbiology as his chosen field of… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Religion As a Prop

Written by Daniel Fleischer | July, 2012
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Religion is often used as a prop by politicians during election times. Recently we read in the public press, “President Obama and his family headed out to church this morning for the third time in a month, the latest sign that the president may be using religion to boost his image as the campaign heats up.”… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Observing the Nation’s Independence Day Dual Citizenship

Written by Joseph Lau | July, 2012
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Citizens on Earth Ever since Adam and Eve’s fall into sin in the Garden of Eden, every human with the exception of Jesus has been conceived and born in sin. Original sin is our ascribed status—in other words, one in which we have no choice. As the Apostle Paul writes to the Romans, “Therefore, just… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Practice Makes Perfect

Written by Bruce Naumann | July, 2012
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Do you remember what it was like in grade school when it was time for a fire drill? “Line up, quickly and quietly,” the teacher would say. “No talking in line.” Out you go with your classmates onto the playground, where you wait for what seems like a long time. Finally, after the principal gets… Read More »Month Archive Read More

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