TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006
Date Hymns Reading Comments
Feb 1 TLH 458 (LSB 766) Luke 11:1-13 How can we not be encouraged to pray? Jesus shows us what sorts of things we can talk to God about and assures us that He will answer us.
Feb 3 TLH 10; LSB 849 Luke 11:14-26 Jesus certainly can’t be in league with Satan or under Satan’s control if He is able to drive out demons.
Feb 4 TLH 283 (LSB 582) Luke 11:27-32 Jesus’ words are wiser than Solomon’s and greater than Jonah’s, so let’s pay attention to them. Those who treasure Jesus’ words are happy!
Feb 5 TLH 264 (LSB 658) Luke 11:33-54 Who are those whose light shines into the world? Those who hear the Word of the apostles and prophets.Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS February 2020