TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006
Date Hymns Reading Comments
Jan 1 TLH 529 (LSB 719) Judges 1:1-3 When the Israelites did not know what to do, they asked the Lord. Judah followed the Lord’s direction, as should we in this new year.
Jan 2 WS 706 (LSB 388) Judges 2:8-18 After the death of Joshua, the Israelites fell away from the Lord in just a generation. It reminds us how important it is to teach our children to fear of the Lord.
Jan 3 WS 714 (LSB 378) Judges 3:7-11 Israel had done evil, yet when they turned to the Lord for mercy He was merciful and gave them a leader to lead them away from their sinful ways.
Jan 4 WS 716 (LSB 896) Judges 4:1-7 Again Israel did evil, and for 20 years the Lord allowed King Jaban to oppress them, but when they called on Him, He promised to hand Jaban over to them.
Jan 6 TLH 127 (LSB 397) Matthew 2:1-12 The wise men came and worshiped Jesus as their King.
Jan 7 TLH 130 (WS 718) Judges 5:1-12 After Jaban was defeated, Deborah and Barak sang praise to the Lord, giving thanks for His mercy toward them.
Jan 8 TLH 131 (LSB 399) Matthew 2:13-23 Jesus was rescued from His enemies so that He could pursue His mission to rescue us from our sins.
Jan 9 TLH 328 Matthew 3:1-12 Repentance is the proper preparation for meeting Christ.
Jan 10 TLH 103 Judges 6:1-10 Again Israel did evil, and for seven years the Midianites oppressed them. But when they turned to the Lord, they found He would faithfully help. Would they ever learn?
Jan 11 TLH 17 (LSB 804) Judges 6:11-32 The Lord’s reassurance to be with Gideon led him to tear down the altar to Baal. Baal never stood a chance against the love of God.
Jan 13 TLH 23 (LSB 822) Judges 6:33-7:8 Every step of the way it was the Lord preparing Gideon and preparing the army. This victory would be the Lord’s victory!
Jan 14 TLH 247 (LSB 406) Matthew 3:13-17 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all participated in the Baptism of Jesus, just as they all participate in the work of our salvation.
Jan 15 TLH 516 Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus overcame every sort of temptation that attacks us, remaining righteous where we could not.
Jan 16 TLH 126 (LSB 396) Judges 7:9-25 The Lord wins the victory for His people, just as He promised. Stay with the Lord in every battle and you will be safe!
Jan 17 WS 752 Judges 8:28-9:6 In the days of Gideon there was peace, but after he died Israel returned to wickedness under Abimelech and worshiped the Baals.
Jan 18 TLH 606 Judges 9:7-25, 50-57 The Lord did not let Abimelech’s evil go unpunished. Eventually, all those who despise the Lord are judged.
Jan 20 TLH 132 (LSB 810) Matthew 4:12-25 Christ fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah just as John the Baptist had said, and He set out to overthrow the works of Satan.
Jan 21 TLH 344 (LSB 401) John 1:15-42 Christ truly is the Lamb of God Who came to take away the sins of the world.
Jan 22 TLH 352 (LSB 402) John 1:43-51 Jesus proves His divinity to Nathanael and tells him that He is the way to heaven.
Jan 23 TLH 139 (LSB 519 Judges 10:6-18; Again the Israelites did evil and turned away from the Lord. When they came to Him
11:29, 32-33 seeking help yet again, would He rescue them or would He tire of them?
Jan 24 TLH 24 Judges 12:7-15 After Jephthah, we know little about the men who led Israel for the next 25 years, but God was continuing to provide the leadership the people needed.
Jan 25 TLH 408 Matthew 12:1-14 Mere outward observance of the Law without a heart that loves and trusts in the Savior is not what God is looking for.
Jan 27 WS 762 Mark 3:7-35 Jesus carries out the ministry of the Gospel while at the same time demonstrating that He is the Son of God and His words are God’s.
Jan 28 TLH 353 Matthew 8:1-13 Both the man with leprosy and the centurion placed their full confidence in Jesus, and He did not disappoint! What resulted was astonishing!
Jan 29 TLH 356 Judges 13:1-25 Again Israel did evil. It is a recurring theme. This time, God announced the nation’s next judge in an unusual and very personal way.
Jan 30 TLH 530 Judges 14:1-11 It was not a good idea for Samson to get a wife from the Philistines, but God made the best of his poor judgment, turning it into an opportunity to approach these enemies.
Jan 31 TLH 531 Judges 14:12-15:8 Samson loses his wife, and political tension increases between the Philistines and the Israelites. God will use these circumstances to bring judgment on the Philistines.