The Fall of Man
This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. We stood watching, waiting, anticipating. Then we heard “Pop! Pop! Pop! ” accompanied by puffs of smoke coming from the eighth floors… The Fall of Man
This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. We stood watching, waiting, anticipating. Then we heard “Pop! Pop! Pop! ” accompanied by puffs of smoke coming from the eighth floors… The Fall of Man
Christians understand that true science is the humble study of God’s creation, together with the internal interactions of that creation. True science is therefore a good thing, but it can never fully comprehend the God… Our Triune God-Glorious, Incomprehensible
Every week, like-minded Christians gather together to hear God’s Word, receive His blessing, and build each other up in the faith. Depending on the size and location of your congregation, at times one can feel… Working Together for the Lord
This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. When it comes to the question of origins, be it the existence of the universe, or planet earth, or the human race,… The Truth of God’s Creation
Every Bible student has heard of the Tower of Babel. Tourists are fascinated with the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Historians know of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the wonders of the ancient world. As… The Twin Towers-Still Standing!
“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the elect, temporary residents in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by… The Greeting of a Letter of Encouragement
1963 CLC Convention Delegates In October of 2020, the Lutheran Spokesman published on its cover a group photo of the pastors and delegates to the 1963 CLC Convention, held at Calvary Lutheran Church in Marquette,… 1963 CLC Convention Delegates
“Thesis XVIII– In the fourteenth place, the Word of God is not rightly divided when the universal corruption of mankind is described in such a manner as to create the impression that even true believers… Sinners Still, but Not Ruled by Sin
Ever wonder why we Lutherans use the form of worship that we do? In this series we examine the depth and meaning of the various elements of our worship service. It has been said that… The Trinitarian Invocation
In this series, those involved with CLC foreign missions profile one aspect of our overseas endeavors. [Ed.: The following is a report from Pastor Jyothi Benjamin, in his own words, about current activities in the… A Foundation Laid for a Lifetime