1963 CLC Convention Delegates
In October of 2020, the Lutheran Spokesman published on its cover a group photo of the pastors and delegates to the 1963 CLC Convention, held at Calvary Lutheran Church in Marquette, Michigan. There was much interest in this photo, and many emails were exchanged in the attempt to identify all the people in the photo. Professor Emeritus Paul Koch, who was himself present at that early convention, undertook to collate all these identifications into one master list. With thanks to Professor Koch we reprint the photo, with the list of names, for your encouragement during this month of our 35th Convention of the CLC.

Front row kneeling, left to right
1. Daniel DeRose
2. Daniel Hanel
3. Martin Bernthal
4. Don Skinner
5. unknown
6. J.B.Erhardt
7. Harold Duehlmeier
8. Gerhardt Blumhardt
9. Otto J. Eckert
10. Norbert Reim
11. Winfred Schaller Jr.
12. Egbert Schaller
13. C.M.Gullerud
14. Gerhard Pieper
15. unknown
16. Arvid Gullerud
17. unknown
18. Clarence Jordan
19. Richard Kuehne
20. Rollin Reim
Standing at ground level,
left to right (some behind others)
21. Bertram Naumann
22. Adalbert Geiger
23. Norman Gurath
24. unknown
25. unknown
26. Martin Garbrecht
27. Ralph Schaller
28. Martin Fuerstenau
29. Walter Romberg
30. unknown
31. Carl Romberg
32. Martin Galstad
33. Charles Sandeen
34. Ernest Williams
35. unknown
36. George Tiefel
37. Paul R. Koch
38. George Barthels
39. Waldemar Bernthal
40. Gerhardt Mueller
41. David Lau
42. Jonathan Schaller
43. Gordon Radtke
44. Edmund Reim
45. Waldemar Schuetze
46. Egbert Albrecht
47. Walter Schaller
48. P. G. Albrecht
49. Bert Doring
50. Norman Harms
51. Alvin Sieg
52. Robert Rehm
53. Ruben Ude
54. Ron Roehl
55. unknown
Standing on the entry steps, left to right
56. Herman Preus
57. P. F. Nolting
58. Leroy Greening
59. unknown
60. Christian Albrecht
61. Victor Tiefel
62. Keith Olmanson
Up another step, left to right
63. unknown
64. Harlan Reed
65. Helmuth Rutz
66. Karl Brandle
67. L. W. Schierenbeck
68. unknown
Back row, left to right
69. unknown
70. John Lau
71. Herbert Witt
72. Maynard Witt.
73. Gene Schreyer
74. Unknown
75. Fritz Peterson
76. unknown