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Author: Robert Sauers

Act like a Baby

Written by Robert Sauers | January, 2023
Post Categories: Studies in the New Testament,
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“Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” (1 Peter 2:1-3) One of the illustrations the Bible uses to speak about our conversion is that… Read More »Act like a Baby Read More

God’s Discipline Demonstrates His Love for Us!

Written by Robert Sauers | June, 2018
Post Categories: New Testaments,Studies in the New Testament,
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STUDIES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT “Consider [Jesus] who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? ‘My son, do… Read More »God’s Discipline Demonstrates His Love for Us! Read More

Latest From the BELC

Written by Robert Sauers | June, 2018
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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MISSION NEWSLETTER Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. The largest church body with which the CLC is in fellowship is Berea Evangelical Lutheran Church of India (BELC). The BELC currently has 716 ordained pastors serving 442 churches and 1,284 preaching stations. There are approximately… Read More »Latest From the BELC Read More

Vernon Congregation Goes Self-Supporting

Written by Robert Sauers | April, 2018
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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MISSION NEWSLETTER Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. Over the years, the Lord has opened many doors for the CLC to support domestic mission congregations. Throughout our history, we have supported more than fifty congregations across the United States and Canada. Over half of… Read More »Vernon Congregation Goes Self-Supporting Read More

Update on the Work in Togo

Written by Robert Sauers | February, 2018
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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MISSION NEWSLETTER Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. The CLC’s involvement in Togo began in September of 2001 when Missionary David Koenig began correspondence courses with Kossi Blewu. Kossi was a school teacher and a member of a Baptist church. Missionary Koenig visited with… Read More »Update on the Work in Togo Read More

Flooding in Nepal

Written by Robert Sauers | December, 2017
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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MISSION NEWSLETTER Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. This past August, South Asia was devastated by major flooding during the yearly monsoon season. While seasonal monsoon rains, a lifeline for farmers across South Asia, typically cause some loss of life and property every year… Read More »Flooding in Nepal Read More

Domestic Mission Program

Written by Robert Sauers | February, 2022
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,
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Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. Our CLC domestic mission program assists in the spread of the Gospel by providing direction, encouragement, and financial support to preaching stations and congregations that are unable to support a full-time ministry on their own but demonstrate the… Read More »Domestic Mission Program Read More

God’s Search and Rescue Team

Written by Robert Sauers | May, 2022
Post Categories: Studies in the New Testament,
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It’s always an anxious time, especially for family and friends, when someone is reported missing in the wilderness. Search and rescue teams spring into action. We wait expectantly for any word of the missing person. It’s a moment of great joy if the missing person is found alive and well. It’s a time of great… Read More »God’s Search and Rescue Team Read More

Missionary Travel Opportunities Opening Up

Written by Robert Sauers | April, 2022
Post Categories: Articles,
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Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. With COVID restrictions slowly being lifted, opportunities for international travel are again opening up. This allowed Missionary Todd Ohlmann to visit Tanzania in December 2021. He accompanied Ted Quade, who serves as the Christian School Instruction Supervisor, on… Read More »Missionary Travel Opportunities Opening Up Read More

Visitation to the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission

Written by Robert Sauers | August, 2022
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,
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Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. It goes without saying that travel has been a challenge over the past couple of years due to the pandemic. But even as travel restrictions have eased recently, making plans to travel internationally can still be challenging and… Read More »Visitation to the Bangladesh Lutheran Church Mission Read More

Sufferings and Glories Revealed

Written by Robert Sauers | September, 2022
Post Categories: Studies in the New Testament,
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“Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. To them it was… Read More »Sufferings and Glories Revealed Read More

Third Foreign Missionary Call to Tanzania

Written by Robert Sauers | December, 2022
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,
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The Board of Missions reported to this past summer’s convention that “the need for additional workers in foreign fields continues to grow.” After a pause due to COVID-related travel restrictions in countries across the globe, the Board has resumed calling for a third foreign missionary. With the many contacts we’ve received and the opportunities we… Read More »Third Foreign Missionary Call to Tanzania Read More

Third Foreign Missionary Authorized

Written by Robert Sauers | August, 2018
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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MISSION NEWSLETTER Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:2). During every Board of Missions meeting I have been a… Read More »Third Foreign Missionary Authorized Read More


Written by Robert Sauers | February, 2023
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,
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Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. We give thanks to the Lord that He has led Pastor Bruce Naumann to accept the call to serve as the CLC’s third full-time foreign missionary. He will be working primarily among our fellow Christians in the CLC-Tanzania.… Read More »A NEW FULL-TIME MISSIONARY Read More


Written by Robert Sauers | May, 2023
Post Categories: Studies in the New Testament,
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“Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you… Read More »FREEDOM TO SUBMIT Read More


Written by Robert Sauers | June, 2023
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,
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Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. In April of this year, I had the privilege of joining Missionary Todd Ohlmann on an initial in-person visit with a contact in the Philippines. For a bout a week, we had the opportunity to meet with Pastor… Read More »INITIAL VISIT TO THE PHILIPPINES Read More


Written by Robert Sauers | August, 2023
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,
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Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. In this month’s newsletter, we want to share with you some brief updates from various fields where our mission work is taking place. The Philippines Pastor Jordan Palangyos of The Lutheran Autonomous Mission in the Philippines (LAMP) has… Read More »MISSION NEWS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Read More


Written by Robert Sauers | September, 2023
Post Categories: Studies in the New Testament,
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“Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel-rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. For in this manner, in former times, the holy women… Read More »BEAUTIFUL IN CHRIST Read More


Written by Robert Sauers | October, 2023
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,
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Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. Daily bread’ means everything we need for our bodily well-being. It includes . . . good government. . . .” (Luther’s Explanation to the Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer). Martin Luther lists over twenty different things under… Read More »SUPPORT FOR MYANMAR AMID CRISIS Read More


Written by Robert Sauers | December, 2023
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,
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Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields. In October, Missionary Todd Ohlmann and Board of Missions member Jeff Radichel visited Pastor Juan Olvera of the Confessional Lutheran Church (Iglesia Luterana Confesional, or ILC) in Juarez, Mexico. This was the first face-to-face visit to Mexico since… Read More »UPDATE ON THE IGLESIA LUTERANA CONFESIONAL (MEXICO) Read More

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