Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields.
In this month’s newsletter, we want to share with you some brief updates from various fields where our mission work is taking place.
The Philippines
Pastor Jordan Palangyos of The Lutheran Autonomous Mission in the Philippines (LAMP) has expressed his desire to be in fellowship with the CLC. Based on our recommendation after our visit with him in April, CLC President Mike Wilke has appointed Pastor Andrew Schaller, a member of the CLC Board of Doctrine, to work with Missionary Ohlmann to conduct a formal colloquy. This will be a time of instruction and study in God’s Word to examine whether or not doctrinal agreement exists between LAMP and the CLC. We pray that God will bless this process and lead to God-pleasing fellowship with LAMP.

East Africa
Missionary Bruce Naumann has begun his work at the Wittenberg Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tanzania. He is the main instructor for the four seminary and three evangelism students currently attending the school. He reports that the students are eager and receptive, and he is pleased with the teaching environment and their progress.

Missionary Naumann has also been asked to make occasional visits to the CLC-Kenya. He made a six-day trip to Kenya in June, visiting fellow believers in Etago and Moi’s Bridge. To follow Missionary Naumann’s activities, visit https://clc-tz.blogspot.com/ .
2023 Mission Helper Trip to Nepal
Thirteen mission helpers went on a three week trip to the Himalayan Church of the Lutheran Confession of Nepal (HCLCN) where they had the opportunity to share the simple Gospel message with about 1,500 children. We thank the Lord for those who volunteered to spread the Gospel in Nepal.

Church of the Lutheran Confession—India
In June, heavy winds caused a part of the wall around the CLCI compound to collapse, damaging a drain pipe and electric wires for the water motor. The Board of Missions sent $2,500 from the Mission Development Fund to pay for the repairs.

Zion Lutheran Church, Loganville (Atlanta Area), Georgia
At a May voters’ meeting, the members of Zion resolved to become a self-supporting congregation. It is our hope and prayer that the Lord will continue to bless the congregation with His rich grace and mercy, enabling the members to continue growing in the faith and to reach out to others in the area with the gospel of Christ.
CDF Evangelism Seminar
The Committee of Domestic Fields (CDF) is tasked by the CLC Mission Board “to make outreach ideas and material available to CLC congregations and to encourage them in carrying out the Great Commission of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” With that goal in mind, the CDF is offering a complete evangelism seminar to CLC congregations. The seminar is titled “Acts of Evangelism” and consists of three parts on evangelism based on accounts in Acts. The seminar is designed to assist congregations as they reach out to their communities. If you are interested in hosting a seminar, contact CDF member Jeff Aymond at jeff.aymond@gmail.com .
We pray that the Lord will continue to bless our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. For the most up-to-date information on our mission fields, look for Missionary Ohlmann’s monthly CLC Missions Prayer List in your church bulletin or at Missionary Ohlmann’s blog: missionaryohlmann.blogspot.com.
Collapsed wall at the Church of the Lutheran Confession, India
Nepal mission trip helpers
is pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Winter Haven, Florida, and a member of the CLC Board of Missions