Every other month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with recent news from various mission fields.
In late January/early February, Missionary Todd Ohlmann and Board of Doctrine member Pastor Andrew Schaller, traveled to the Philippines to visit the Lutheran Autonomous Mission to the Philippines (LAMP). The primary purpose of this visit was to review the colloquy questions that Pastor Jordan Palangyos had answered via email over the past several months and to determine whether there was doctrinal agreement between LAMP and the CLC.
This was the second in-person visit made by representatives of the CLC to LAMP. I had the opportunity to accompany Missionary Ohlmann on our initial visit in April 2023. After an encouraging visit, President Wilke appointed Pastor Schaller to coordinate with Missionary Ohlmann on a comprehensive study of the teachings of the CLC and LAMP.

Missionary Ohlmann and Pastor Schaller arrived in Manila on January 31 and traveled to Baguio City by bus where they spent two days with Pastor Palangyos discussing the colloquy questions. They especially focused on doctrinal differences between the CLC and the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LC-MS) as Pastor Palangyos was trained at a seminary affiliated with the LC-MS. They found him to have a humble and teachable spirit, and a solid Biblical knowledge.
On Saturday, February 2, Missionary Ohlmann and Pastor Schaller accompanied Pastor Palangyos to the Cordillera District where the two LAMP congregations are located. They conducted an outreach seminary for about thirty people. On Sunday, February 3, they traveled to the Wallayan congregation for Bible study and a worship service. On February 4, Missionary Ohlmann and Pastor Schaller headed back to Manila to prepare for their flight home.
The short but productive visit concluded with Missionary Ohlmann and Pastor Schaller both recommending that President Wilke declare fellowship with LAMP. Pastor Schaller writes, “I believe that it would be God-pleasing to establish fellowship with Jordan Palangyos and LAMP because unity in doctrine was evident from our discussions.”
It is always a reason for rejoicing when fellowship is declared based on unity in doctrine. The Psalmist declares, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1). LAMP consists of two congregations with about sixty souls. They are served by Pastor Palangyos and four lay assistants. With fellowship established, Missionary Ohlmann will now add LAMP to his annual visitation rotation. We will continue to support Pastor Palangyos with theological training, and the Philippines may even serve as a destination for a small group from the Mission Helper Program to do child evangelism. May the Lord bless us as we work together to carry out the Great Commission!
is pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Winter Haven, Florida, and a member of the CLC Board of Missions