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Year/Month: 2012/03

May God give us the right heart!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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May God give us the right heart! Read More

Jesus gave them an answer to chew on.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Jesus gave them an answer to chew on. Read More

Is thankfulness the exception among us?

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Is thankfulness the exception among us? Read More

Caiaphas spoke better than he realized.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Caiaphas spoke better than he realized. Read More

People draw faulty conclusions.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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People draw faulty conclusions. Read More

All resurrection follows one resurrection.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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All resurrection follows one resurrection. Read More

Preventable sins should be prevented.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Preventable sins should be prevented. Read More

Attend to hearing the Word of God!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Attend to hearing the Word of God! Read More

Investing in bad stock is disastrous.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Investing in bad stock is disastrous. Read More

The elder son didn’t know he was a loser.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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The elder son didn’t know he was a loser. Read More

May God’s concerns be ours also!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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May God’s concerns be ours also! Read More

First the sacrifice; then the glory.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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First the sacrifice; then the glory. Read More

Enough sacrifice to suffice.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Enough sacrifice to suffice. Read More

Remember what it cost Him!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Remember what it cost Him! Read More

Jesus DID what had to GET DONE!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Jesus DID what had to GET DONE! Read More

Picture language: Jesus sustains our souls.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Picture language: Jesus sustains our souls. Read More

Which contract with God do you prefer?

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Which contract with God do you prefer? Read More

Jesus was no slouch in soul care.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Jesus was no slouch in soul care. Read More

Friends of Satan are no friends of Jesus.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Friends of Satan are no friends of Jesus. Read More

He gives the Spirit as His native breath.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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He gives the Spirit as His native breath. Read More

“Go and do!” hits home with each of us.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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“Go and do!” hits home with each of us. Read More

We are Jesus’ assistants; let’s get at it!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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We are Jesus’ assistants; let’s get at it! Read More

A clear testimony for Jesus being God.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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A clear testimony for Jesus being God. Read More

God precedes Abraham, as does Jesus.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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God precedes Abraham, as does Jesus. Read More


Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: Announcements,
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ILC REGENTS CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The Board of Regents of Immanuel Lutheran College invites nominations for the office of President of ILC. The current term of Professor John Pfeiffer expires June 30, 2012.  All pastors, professors, male teachers, and voting members of the CLC are entitled to nominate a man from the faculty of Immanuel… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Chapel Address

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: Articles,
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Prof. Paul Schaller, Speaker Some men came, bringing to Him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw… Read More »Month Archive Read More

475th Anniversary of the SMALCALD ARTICLES

Written by Paul Fleischer | March, 2012
Post Categories: Editorial,
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“…The Word of God shall establish articles of faith and no one else, not even an angel.” (Luther, SA, Part II, Art. II) A Closer Look at the Smalcald Articles (SA) (First of Three) 1. Establishing our “Confessional” Identity The plan is to use valuable space in our little magazine, beginning next month, with a… Read More »Month Archive Read More

What is Truly Lutheran

Written by Daniel Fleischer | March, 2012
Post Categories: Daily Life,
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Upon the death of the Reformer, Dr. Martin Luther, differences arose within the Lutheran Church—a name assigned to those who held the doctrines he had taught from Scripture. Consequently in 1577, the Formula of Concord, the defining confession of the Lutheran faith and teaching, was written as an effort to settle disputes that had arisen.… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Jesus, The Conqueror Of Death

Written by Andrew Schaller | March, 2012
Post Categories: Portraits of Christ,
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Please read John 20:1-31 in box below On the wall in our fellowship hall hangs a portrait given in memory of Mabel Lenning, a child of God. The artwork was produced by Roger Loveless, and is simply entitled, “My Redeemer Lives.” It captures the familiar scene that is a portion of the reading you just… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Stay Healthy

Written by Warren Fanning | March, 2012
Post Categories: New Testaments,
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“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) 1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Simple Words—Great Gifts

Written by John Klatt | March, 2012
Post Categories: Sacraments,
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In the Bible we are told how Naaman, the commander of the Syrian army, came to Elisha the prophet to be healed of leprosy (2 Kings 5). Elisha did not even come out of his house to meet Naaman but sent a servant with a set of simple directions. Naaman was to go to the… Read More »Month Archive Read More
By the time candidates for public office have thrown their names into the ring, they have already thought things through long and hard. They know from previous election cycles just what to expect on the campaign trail, especially when running for the presidency. Knowing what is ahead, they have to decide if they want to… Read More »Month Archive Read More

A Lenten Devotion

Written by Theodore Barthels | March, 2012
Post Categories: Church Year,
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“Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.” 2 Timothy 2:15 Our text is one of the verses of the 53rd chapter of Isaiah which we often associate with the Lenten season.   Read More

Sorrow and Glory at Olivet

Written by David Fuerstenau | March, 2012
Post Categories: Church Year,
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One can hardly envision entering the season of Lent without contemplating again the events that occurred on the Mount of Olives, for that is where the Lord began the suffering of His final hours. That is where His passive obedience took root–in the Garden of Gethsemane. The first biblical reference to Olivet1 is in connection… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Freedom or slavery: which shall it be?

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Freedom or slavery: which shall it be? Read More

Will we persevere in His Word/teachings?

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | March, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Will we persevere in His Word/teachings? Read More

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