“Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one.” — Martin Luther “What the world is today, good and bad, it owes to Gutenberg. Everything can be traced to this source, but we… OUR TIMES ARE IN HIS HAND
“Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one.” — Martin Luther “What the world is today, good and bad, it owes to Gutenberg. Everything can be traced to this source, but we… OUR TIMES ARE IN HIS HAND
Work is good. My deeply German grandmother often said, “Arbeit macht das Leben süß”-“Work makes life sweet.” Until recent years, that was a concept largely taken for granted in America. Many would call it foundational… WORK-ANOTHER OF GOD’S MANIFOLD BLESSINGS
TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006 Date Hymns Reading Comments September 1 TLH 196 / LSB 468 Jeremiah 15 No one can resist the… BREAD OF LIFE READINGS SEPTEMBER 2023
Have you ever stopped and looked at all the bread at the store? The vast volume and variety of bread at the store is truly remarkable. Bread is so easy to come by today that… GOD GIVES BREAD
TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006 Date Hymns Reading Comments August 1 TLH 220 Hebrews 9 Jesus Christ is a greater Priest than those… BREAD OF LIFE READINGS, AUGUST 2023
TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006 Date Hymns Reading Comments July 1 TLH 429/LSB 708 1 John 4 The Lord is a God of… BREAD OF LIFE READINGS, JULY 2023
Most people know the importance of fruit in their diet. It has been this way from the beginning as God told Adam and Eve at creation, “Behold I have given you every plant yielding seed… FRUIT FILLED LIFE
TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006 Date Hymn Scripture Comments May-01 TLH 628 /LSB 864 Ezekiel 34:1-16 The Lord calls Ezekiel to prophesy against… BREAD OF LIFE READINGS, MAY 2023
There have been a number of publications in recent years estimating the monetary value of a stay-at-home mom. They look at mom’s various roles, her number of hours worked, the savings on outside childcare, and… THE VALUE OF A CHRISTIAN MOM