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TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments
November 1 TLH 645 / LSB 359 Zechariah 3 Zechariah records a vision of Joshua the high priest being accused by Satan. The Lord provides Joshua with clean garments. The Lord promises to clothe His people in righteousness by sending Jesus Christ, “the Branch.”
November 2 TLH 414 / LSB 705 Zechariah 5 Zechariah records a vision of a flying scroll and a vision of a woman in a basket. The Lord judges wickedness and removes it from His presence.
November 3 TLH 442 / LSB 851 1 John 3 Believers in Christ desire to live lives of righteousness, not to continue living in sin. Since God in Christ has demonstrated perfect love toward us, we desire to love one another.
November 4 TLH 391 Matthew 5 Jesus teaches many things in His well-known Sermon on the Mount.
November 6 TLH 385 Matthew 23 Jesus denounces the scribes and the Pharisees publicly. Jesus weeps over rebellious Jerusalem.
November 7 TLH 606 Matthew 24 Jesus foretells both the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of this world. Just as the temple was a mere symbol of something greater to come (the redemptive work of Christ), this world is a frail imitation of the perfect and eternal world to which the Lord will call us.
November 8 TLH 523 / LSB 756 1 Thessalonians 3 Paul has received an encouraging report from Timothy regarding the faith of the Thessalonians.
November 9 TLH 616 1 Thessalonians 4 Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to live lives that are pleasing to God. Paul instructs the Thessalonians regarding the second coming of Christ.
November 10 TLH 550 / LSB 874 Amos 5 Through His prophet Amos, the Lord urges His people to seek Him and live. Rather than sacrifices and the observance of holy days, the Lord desires that His people serve Him with justice and righteousness.
November 11 TLH 609 / LSB 516 Matthew 25 Jesus tells the parable of the ten virgins and the parable of the talents. Jesus teaches that in the final judgment He will separate people as a shepherd separates sheep from goats.
November 13 TLH 62 / LSB 357 Zechariah 6 Zechariah records a vision of four chariots. The Lord instructs Zechariah to make a crown and to set it on the head of Joshua the high priest. The Messiah will build the temple of the Lord and will rule over His people as priest and as king.
November 14 TLH 34 / LSB 820 Zechariah 7 The Lord desires that His people serve Him in justice and in mercy.
November 15 TLH 1 / LSB 901 Zechariah 8 The Lord foretells peace and prosperity for His people.
November 16 TLH 465 / LSB 912 Zechariah 10 The Lord promises to restore Israel and Judah.
November 17 TLH 449 1 Thessalonians 5 Paul encourages the Thessalonians to be prepared for the coming of Christ. Paul closes his letter with final instructions, a last greeting, and a closing blessing.
November 18 TLH 607 Zephaniah 1 The Lord threatens judgment on the people of Judah because of their idolatry.
November 20 TLH 605 / LSB 513 Zephaniah 2 The Lord threatens judgment on the enemies of Judah.
November 21 TLH 535 / LSB 737 Zephaniah 3 After threatening judgment on Jerusalem and on all nations, the Lord promises to convert from among the nations people who will be faithful to Him. The Lord promises to restore His people Israel.
November 22 WS 793 / LSB 893 Deuteronomy 8 Like the people of Israel whom the Lord led through the wilderness and into the Promised Land, the believer in Christ remembers the grace and mercy that the Lord has shown him in the past. It is our privilege to obey the commands of the Lord out of faith and love.
November 23 LSB 846 Luke 17 Jesus teaches many things and heals the ten lepers.
November 24 LSB 336 Zechariah 11 The sheep of the Lord have rejected their Good Shepherd. Zechariah foretells that the Messiah will be sold for thirty pieces of silver.
November 25 TLH 206 / LSB 741 1 Corinthians 15 Paul lists the various eyewitnesses to the resurrection of Christ. If Christ has been raised from the dead, then also all who believe in Him will rise from death. In the resurrection we will enjoy perfect glorified bodies. Our God has defeated death and has given us life in Jesus Christ. God be praised!
November 27 TLH 32 / WS 779 Zechariah 12 The Lord will accomplish salvation in Judah. Zechariah records another crystal-clear Messianic prophecy: “They will look on Me whom they pierced.”
November 28 TLH 157 Zechariah 13 All believers have been cleansed in the fountain of the blood of Jesus. The Lord will put an end to the worship of idols. Zechariah foretells Jesus’ abandonment by His disciples on Maundy Thursday.
November 29 TLH 264 / LSB 658 Zechariah 14 The Lord will defend His people and punish His enemies. The last judgment will be a terrifying event for all unbelievers, but a joyful event for all who are “Holy to the Lord” by faith in Jesus Christ.
November 30 LSB 355 Isaiah 64 The coming of the Lord is terrifying when we consider our sins, but joyful when we consider the salvation that the Lord has accomplished for us in Jesus Christ. Christ came once to accomplish righteousness for us and He comes again to judge us righteous for His own sake. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

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