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Our Spiritual Life Comes From Christ

“I am the vine, you are the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; 
for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Each spring many of our congregations enjoy the special blessing of observing a new class of confirmands witness to the truth of Christ which abides within their hearts. They join in renewing the baptismal covenant which they entered (most often in infancy). The Confirmation rite is a blessing for the entire congregation because it leads us all to consider anew the blessed covenant of our salvation leading to eternal life.Read More »Our Spiritual Life Comes From Christ

The Age of Miracles

Who would not like to see or experience a no-sham, no-scam miracle? Or even perform one?

This longing seems to be part of our human nature. Pharaoh, the unbelieving Jews, and Herod all wanted to see some great sign, and Simon the sorcerer was willing to pay money to be able to exercise the power of God (Acts 8:18).

Christianity is the religion of miracles, and without them it cannot stand.

Christianity is the religion of miracles, and without them it cannot stand. We know Jesus’ earthly life involved them (His incarnation, virgin birth, transfiguration, resurrection); during His earthly ministry He did many miraculous signs–all providing proof Read More »The Age of Miracles

Easter Customs or Jesus?

One gets concerned with all the baskets, eggs, and candy displayed before the eyes of our children this time of year. Long ago I tired of this blatant attempt to dishonor and discredit the most important day in the Christian church year, so my children and I used an old shoebox to make a replica of an Easter tomb. After the children had done some earth-tone painting on the box, I would painstakingly cut an opening in one side and then reseal the opening.

My children would wake up to see that during the night “miraculously” the tomb’s door would be open and the insides found EMPTY!
It helped teach them a great lesson. Our Lord’s PHYSICAL resurrection is the crowning proof and assurance from the Father that all Jesus came to accomplish has been accepted as payment in full for the sins of the world. Therefore our salvation is certain. Our children were not confused about the Easter Bunny playing any part in our salvation.

Now, the Christian faith is lacking something that almost every other religion in the world has: a dead man’s bones! Whereas other religions have a grave or a tomb containing the bones of its “saint,” the tomb of Jesus Christ is empty! Read More »Easter Customs or Jesus?

Witnesses of an Empty Tomb

On that first Easter morning the soldiers guarding Jesus’ tomb saw the angel come and roll away the stone, but they squandered the opportunity to be powerful witnesses and took the bribe to remain silent.

“You are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:48)

Mary Magdalene’s heart overflowed with love for her Lord—first in weeping as she witnessed the empty tomb and then with rejoicing after she met her living Savior.

On Easter evening Jesus appeared to the disciples who were gathered behind locked doors. First of all, He assured them that He was not a ghost and then“He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures” Read More »Witnesses of an Empty Tomb