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Christ, the Firstfruits, Is Risen!

“Now Christ has risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20).

Three important festivals came together at the time of the Passover, therefore also at the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection. All three have great significance for our salvation—significance that we do not want to miss.

Together they make up the season of liberation and salvation, showing how carefully God had planned and prepared every detail of our salvation. He pictured it for us 1500 years beforehand so that nothing would be left to chance.

The Passover

The first and most recognizable festival was the Passover itself. Just as the blood of the Passover lamb saved Israel from the plague of death which brought about their freedom from slavery in Egypt, so the blood of Christ, our Passover Lamb, saves us from death and frees us from slavery to sin and Satan.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread

The very next day the Feast of Unleavened Bread began. Israelites were required to remove all leaven from their homes for eight days. This feast was symbolic of how Christ has cleansed us from the leaven of sin.Read More »Christ, the Firstfruits, Is Risen!

Why Do You Weep?

The early hours of that first Easter morning found people in various conditions.

Most of Jerusalem slept soundly, while their religious leaders may have had satisfied smiles on their faces. But fear, shock, and confusion permeated the hearts of the Lord’s disciples. They were stupefied and in mourning because of His death. None of them believed in His resurrection.

And while they all mourned, John reported the dedicated weeping of Mary Magdalene. Read More »Why Do You Weep?

From Triumph to Travesty—to Triumph!

On that first Palm Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a hero,
but He would go out in a much different manner.

From triumph to travesty may well describe our Savior’s entry into the city—until He triumphed for us on the cross.

Yes, our Savior rode into Jerusalem to die the death of the cross. How many of those who gathered that day to welcome the King of Glory would soon turn on Him and demand His death?

Jesus rode into town on “a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Matthew 21:5). Read More »From Triumph to Travesty—to Triumph!


Memory is a funny thing.

Very often we remember what we’d like to forget and forget what we’d like to remember. I can clearly remember specific events in my childhood…
yet I’m unable to remember a single event from an entire year.

The 22nd Psalm concludes with these words:
“All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You” (v. 27).  


The Best Seller of All Time

When people are looking for a good book or e-book to buy and read, they may look over the New York Times Best Seller list.


While there are critics who claim this particular Book should be listed in the fiction genre, there should be no question that it is non-fiction.

Simply because a book is on the Best Seller list doesn’t mean it is worth purchasing and reading. For example, one review of the best selling book Killing Jesus by Bill O’Reilly reports that the author makes the bogus claim that the reason Jesus was killed by the Romans is that He was interfering with the cash flow of tax money (Read what Jesus says in the Gospel record about paying taxes to the Roman government, Matthew 22:21).

Read More »The Best Seller of All Time


PERSPICUITY: The most important doctrine you’ve never heard of  Pastor Paul Naumann • Tacoma, Washington “Well, that’s your interpretation!”  Sadly, this is how the conversation… Read More »PERSPICUITY