Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Don’t you love to ponder God’s creation and His creative powers? There are multitudinous things at which we marvel that proclaim God’s glory.
• Marvel at the power of God, Who simply spoke and it was done! (Genesis 1)
• Marvel at the wisdom of God, Who designed every living thing with incredible intricacy and complexity.
• Marvel at the love of God, Who made everything perfect and beautiful for our enjoyment and use.
• Marvel at the precision and care of God, Who calls the estimated one septillion stars by name and keeps each one in its place. (Isaiah 40:26)
• Marvel at the immensity of God, Who measures the seemingly infinite universe with the span of His hand. (Isaiah 40:12).
• Marvel at the imagination of God, to create such variety and diversity of life.
• Marvel at the personal touch of God, Who cared enough to form Adam and Eve with His own hands in His own image.
When you think of creation, however, don’t think only of a past great act of God. Creation is also a present marvel that is taking place every day. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made