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Author: Steven Sippert


Written by Steven Sippert | October, 1997
Post Categories: Articles,
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Outside Lutheran circles the name “Lutheran” has very little respect. The lack of respect is largely die to a lack of understanding. Because of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) some associate “Lutheran” with the tenets of liberal theology or social gospel. Therefore we are compelled to explain what it means to be Lutheran… Read More »OUR LINK TO LUTHER Read More


Written by Steven Sippert | July, 2024
Post Categories: Gems from the Old Testament,
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Have you ever heard the phrase, “Location, location, location”? It’s a real estate expression meant to highlight the key to success for many thriving businesses. If a store or restaurant has a prominent location with many people passing by, the potential for regular customers is bound to be good. So also, in dealing with His… Read More »CHRISTIAN WITNESSING, OLD TESTAMENT STYLE Read More


Written by Steven Sippert | March, 2024
Post Categories: Gems from the Old Testament,
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In a modern society like ours, the use of fire is not what it used to be. In fact, there’s more of a tendency to protect ourselves from its harmful effects with smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and 911 calls to the local fire department. In ancient Israel, however, fire was a daily source of heat,… Read More »GOD’S CONSUMING FIRE IN CHRIST Read More


Written by Steven Sippert | September, 2023
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. Law and Gospel. Or might we say, “Bad news; good news.” Sinners. Saved. “SOS (Shows our sin); SOS (Shows our Savior).” Brief and to the point, these expressions help to show that Law and Gospel are more than categories for the Bible’s… Read More »LAW AND GOSPEL – GOD’S SOS RESCUE PLAN AT WORK Read More


Written by Steven Sippert | June, 2023
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. Is it a Lutheran reflex to hear the words “good works” with a little suspicion, even a wary concern about do-it-yourself thinking when it comes to salvation? That concern may be valid, but it does not derive from the Bible’s use of… Read More »SANCTIFICATION: GOD’S GOOD WORK IN PROGRESS Read More


Written by Steven Sippert | March, 2023
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. A previous “Pillars of Faith” article noted that justification by grace through faith is the central teaching of the Bible. This key doctrine permeates Scripture and often connects with the other doctrines in Scripture. It especially connects with the doctrine covered in… Read More »THE MEANS OF GRACE: GOD’S GOSPEL-BASED DELIVERY SYSTEM Read More

Justification: By Grace Alone Through Faith Alone

Written by Steven Sippert | December, 2022
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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As we begin a new church year with Advent, it’s good to hear a Reformation echo in those comforting words that God has justified us; that is, He has declared us righteous by grace alone through faith alone. Our status as His dear children to whom He gives eternal life depends on the fact that… Read More »Justification: By Grace Alone Through Faith Alone Read More

The Messiah: Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament Fulfillment

Written by Steven Sippert | September, 2022
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. Sometimes a curious unbeliever will ask a Christian acquaintance, “What’s the Bible all about?” One can imagine different answers that could be given. When I ask a similar question in religion class, I typically get the short answer, “Jesus.” The long answer… Read More »The Messiah: Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament Fulfillment Read More

The Truth of God’s Creation

Written by Steven Sippert | June, 2022
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. When it comes to the question of origins, be it the existence of the universe, or planet earth, or the human race, the prevalent view for many is a belief in the theory of evolution. I say “belief” because evolution is not… Read More »The Truth of God’s Creation Read More


Written by Steven Sippert | January, 1999
Post Categories: From the Editor,
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Installations In accord with our usage and order, Delwyn Maas, who was called by Holy Cross congregation of Phoenix, Ariz. to be its pastor, was installed on December 6, 1998. –Pastor W. H. Fanning In accord with our usage and order, Tina Stelter, who was called by Our Saviors’ congregation of Jamestown, N.Dak. to be… Read More »Announcements Read More

‘The More You Know’

Written by Steven Sippert | June, 1998
Post Categories: Articles,
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From time to time network television puts on the air a public service announcement with the catchy phrase, “The more you know.” The commercial makes use of popular actors who promote the ideals of staying in school, abstaining from drugs, and other matters of health, safety, and education. The basic idea seems to be the… Read More »‘The More You Know’ Read More


Written by Steven Sippert | February, 1998
Post Categories: Articles,
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Bible passages that describe the love of God or the grace of God are the most comforting statements one could hope to find in the Word of God. Consider as an example: “We have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in… Read More »TWO SIDES OF GOD Read More

The Inspiration of Scripture: “For the Bible Tells Me So”

Written by Steven Sippert | December, 2021
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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Each article in this series offers an overview of one of the chief teachings of the Christian church. I imagine most of us were taught to sing: “Jesus loves me, this I know; for the Bible tells me so.” What a memorable, to-the-point statement! It stays with you as you age and makes a meaningful… Read More »The Inspiration of Scripture: “For the Bible Tells Me So” Read More

“I Do So Intend, With The Help Of God.”

Written by Steven Sippert | May, 1997
Post Categories: Articles,
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Do you remember hearing those words in a recent church service? Do you remember saying those words at a very big moment in your spiritual life? “I do so intend, with the help of God.” That is the response given by the confirmand when he or she is asked, “Do you as a member of… Read More »“I Do So Intend, With The Help Of God.” Read More


Written by Steven Sippert | January, 1997
Post Categories: Articles,
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They say that a good product will sell itself. You can tell by the way people talk. If they like a new product, they not only use it for themselves. They tell their friends. They recommend the product to others. Likewise, when people are satisfied with their doctor or their mechanic or their barber, they… Read More »JESUS MAKES A POWERFUL IMPRESSION! Read More

It Takes A Good Follow-Through

Written by Steven Sippert | September, 1996
Post Categories: Articles,
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Ask any good athlete who throws a ball, swings a bat, or swings a golf club, and they’ll tell you that same thing: it takes a good follow-through. You follow through with your arm after you release the ball. You follow through with the bat after you make contact. A good follow through is the… Read More »It Takes A Good Follow-Through Read More

The Sufficiency of Scripture

Written by Steven Sippert | March, 2022
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. Owner’s manuals, employee handbooks, and college catalogs are examples of documents people use as guidance for their new appliance or how to navigate the requirements they face on the job or at school. It’s only a matter of time, unfortunately, until the… Read More »The Sufficiency of Scripture Read More

When It’s Time to be Uncomfortable

Written by Steven Sippert | February, 2016
Post Categories: Ash Wednesday,Devotions,Lead Story,
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It’s natural to seek a certain level of comfort. I’m talking about getting and being comfortable. People want to be comfortable in their clothing, in their homes, and in their lives. If we become uncomfortable, then we try to make a change of clothing, or the body position that doesn’t feel right, or the circumstances… Read More »When It’s Time to be Uncomfortable Read More

Letting the Lord Have the Limelight

Written by Steven Sippert | June, 2016
Post Categories: Lead Story,
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“I, the servant, am inadequate and unworthy. We, the Lord’s people united by His Word, are inadequate  and unworthy. But that’s OK; that is exactly the way Jesus wants it to be.” At Immanuel Lutheran Seminary, students will often sense inadequacy toward their role as future ministers of Christ. Their inadequacy is more than just… Read More »Letting the Lord Have the Limelight Read More

The Old Evil Foe STILL Means Deadly Woe

Written by Steven Sippert | October, 2016
Post Categories: Devotions,Reformation,
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As evidenced in the famous Reformation hymn he wrote, Martin Luther was one person who did not have to be convinced of the existence of the devil, nor of the great danger that Satan poses to the souls of men. The monstrous nature of our old evil foe is aptly depicted in Revelation 20, where… Read More »The Old Evil Foe STILL Means Deadly Woe Read More

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