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Author: Peter Reim

Studies In Galatians–

Written by Peter Reim | March, 1998
Post Categories: Articles,
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Standing Fast In The liberty By Which Christ Has Made Us Free (See 5:1) Galatians 3:26-4:7 The Well-dressed Christian “Clothes make the man!” said the smartly dressed collegiate to a classmate. “Not so” retorted his ‘fashion-challenged’ friend; “You can’t judge a book by its cover!” Thus went the battle of clichés in a debate with… Read More »Studies In Galatians– Read More


Written by Peter Reim | June, 2024
Post Categories: The parables of our Lord,
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(Please read Matthew 18:21-35) This parable concludes a chapter in Matthew in which the Lord details the extraordinary relations among members of His Church. In the kingdom of heaven, nothing is valued more than the simplicity of a child, so it is wicked to offend such souls; also, as a shepherd covers hill and dale… Read More »THE UNMERCIFUL SERVANT Read More


Written by Peter Reim | February, 2024
Post Categories: The parables of our Lord,
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(Please read Luke 14:15-23) Jesus, for whom a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years, a day, has little tolerance for smug religious claptrap (think of His “whitewashed sepulchers” speech against the Pharisees, Matthew 23). So when He was at a dinner hosted by influential Pharisees, one where He had already called… Read More »THE GREAT SUPPER Read More


Written by Peter Reim | November, 2023
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. David’s description of eternal life is as good as any the Bible provides, if perhaps not as colorful as some: “You will show me the path of life, in your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”… Read More »ETERNAL LIFE Read More


Written by Peter Reim | August, 2023
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. The Church of Christ lives by the power of the Gospel; through the message of the cross, the Holy Spirit works faith, enlightenment, and grace in the Church’s members. When that Word is preached, He brings hearers to repentance. Through the sacrament… Read More »THE LORD’S SUPPER Read More


Written by Peter Reim | May, 2023
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. People who are orphans, when they are adopted into a loving and secure home, will sometimes say that they have found their “forever family.” Such adoption is the case when we read in Psalm 68:6: “God sets the solitary in families.” As… Read More »THE HOLY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Read More


Written by Peter Reim | February, 2023
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. Jesus, just hours away from His suffering and death, promised to send to His disciples what He described as “the Comforter,” namely, the Holy Spirit. “He will glorify Me,” Jesus said, “for He will take of what is Mine and declare it… Read More »THE HOLY SPIRIT Read More

The Vicarious Atonement

Written by Peter Reim | November, 2022
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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"The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." (Isaiah 53:6) When I was young, I saw a choir program that featured a woodcut by Reformation-era artist Albrecht Dürer. The stark black-and-white panel featured only Jesus’ head, bearing the crown of thorns. His face was deeply lined, His mane of hair tortured. Drops… Read More »The Vicarious Atonement Read More

Original Sin: Fallout from the Fall

Written by Peter Reim | August, 2022
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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This series offers an overview of the chief teachings of the Christian church. When we think of Genesis, we think of beginnings. This is where we learn of creation, the making of man and woman, marriage, the nation of Israel. It is also where we find the beginning of sin ( Lutheran Spokesman, July 2022,… Read More »Original Sin: Fallout from the Fall Read More

Studies in Ephesians

Written by Peter Reim | September, 1999
Post Categories: Articles,
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Proclaiming the Unsearchable Riches of Christ (See 3:8) Chapter 2:1-13 Our Rags To Riches Story (Christ is the Key) “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags”–these words were Isaiah’s sharpened needle in the self-righteous balloon of a disobedient Israel. Good works cannot avert the doom of people–even very religious people–who fall short in holiness before… Read More »Studies in Ephesians Read More

Studies in Galatians

Written by Peter Reim | March, 1999
Post Categories: Articles,
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Standing Fast In The Liberty By Which Christ Has Made Us Free (See 5:1) Chapter 6:11-18 A Crowning Word: In the Cross of Christ I Glory! We hear it often enough when it comes to a discussion of religion affiliation: “Oh, so you’re a Lutheran? Well, I’m Presbyterian (Baptist etc.), but it really doesn’t matter,… Read More »Studies in Galatians Read More

Studies In Galatians

Written by Peter Reim | September, 1998
Post Categories: Articles,
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Standing Fast In the Liberty By Which Christ Has Made Us Free (See 5:1) Chapter 5:1-15 The Razor’s Edge Of Religion In Rocky Mountain National Park there lies a ‘razor’s edge’–a portion of the Continental Divide. You know the time-worn explanation of this ‘divide’: if a raindrop falls on the Continental Divide, it will either… Read More »Studies In Galatians Read More

The Efficacy of Scripture

Written by Peter Reim | February, 2022
Post Categories: Pillars of Faith,
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Teachers of writing often encourage students to strengthen their writing by moving key ideas away from the nouns to the verbs; in other words, to put the action where it belongs—with the action words. For instance, there is just a smidgin more vitality in saying “Don and Shirley farm the land,” than to say simply,… Read More »The Efficacy of Scripture Read More

Studies in Galatians

Written by Peter Reim | March, 1997
Post Categories: Articles,
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Standing Fast In The Liberty By Which Christ Has Made Us Free (See 5:1) Galatians 1:1-10 “It Is My Catherine…” There is something about the human nature that prompts a man to honor his favorite mode of transportation by naming it after his greatest love. The yachtsman may sail his Belinda II through the San… Read More »Studies in Galatians Read More

A Round Of Appreciation For Our Great Salvation

Written by Peter Reim | June, 1996
Post Categories: Articles,
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In a short while a handful of Lutheran Christians will gather in a humid, mosquitoey corner of Christendom to prayerfully consider, debate, execute, and otherwise fulfill their tiny share in the Great Commission. As this is intense and demanding work, responsible parties will see to it that the CLC Convention delegates are well- fed from… Read More »A Round Of Appreciation For Our Great Salvation Read More

But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Written by Peter Reim | February, 1996
Post Categories: Articles,
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(Joshua 24:15) Twenty five years ago, as our distressed nation viewed a generation of its youth angrily protesting the evils, real or imagined, of their parents’ society, one of those angry young voices, Graham Nash, wrote a song that sounded like an island of contentment in a stream of discontent: Our house is a very… Read More »But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Read More

“Plead My Cause, O LORD . . .”

Written by Peter Reim | October, 1995
Post Categories: Articles,
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“Plead my cause, O LORD, with those who strive with me; Fight against those who fight against me . . . Say to my soul, ‘I am your salvation’ . . . Let them shout for joy and be glad, Who favor my righteous cause; And let them say continually, ‘Let the LORD be magnified,… Read More »“Plead My Cause, O LORD . . .” Read More

Studies In Ephesians

Written by Peter Reim | April, 2000
Post Categories: Articles,
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Proclaiming the Unsearchable Riches of Christ (See 3:8) Chapter 3:14-21 Inner Strength For Family Life A recent trip down to the recreational center one evening is a reminder of our culture’s obsession with “fitness.” On the way through the lobby, the visitor gets a look into one corner of the pool where swimming lessons are… Read More »Studies In Ephesians Read More


Written by Peter Reim | May, 2000
Post Categories: Articles,
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Change Of Address Pastor Arthur Schulz 724 Rose St. Black River Falls, WI 54615 Time Change in Millston During the months of June through August, the Sunday worship service at Trinity Lutheran Church, Millston, Wis. will begin at 9:00 a.m. (instead of the usual 10:15). LADIES FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON June 21, 2000 11:00 a.m. -- Registration… Read More »Announcements Read More

Studies In Ephesians

Written by Peter Reim | December, 2000
Post Categories: Articles,
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Proclaiming the Unsearchable Riches of Christ (See 3:8) Chapter 5:1-7 The Christian Life–A Fragrant Sacrifice What does a sacrifice smell like? We who are long separated from life in the camp of the Israelites may have given little thought to such things as the aroma of a Levitical offering. But we’re not far removed from… Read More »Studies In Ephesians Read More

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