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Year/Month: 2000/12

Daily Bible Readings For Home Devotion, 2001

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | December, 2000
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Dear reader: This program of Bible readings was built on the framework of the pericope used at Messiah of Eau Claire in 2000. In addition to the Old Testament, Gospel, and Epistle selections read in church each week, another of each was added in order to attain six Scripture selections for a week of home… Read More »Month Archive Read More


Written by Michael Roehl | December, 2000
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Eligible For Call Upon completion of the re-entry process, Pastors John Schierenbeck and John Klatt have recommended that Rev. Karl Stewart be declared eligible for return to the active clergy roster of the CLC. Upon this recommendation, Rev. Stewart is declared eligible for call into the ministry of the CLC. –Daniel Fleischer, President, Church of… Read More »Month Archive Read More

What would keep us from a confident look to the future?

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | December, 2000
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” . . . Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith . . . ” (Hebrews 12:1-2). * FAILURE TO CONCLUDE that the blessings of… Read More »Month Archive Read More

“To God Alone the Glory”

Written by John Klatt | December, 2000
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In lieu of a “Hymn of the Month” this month, a contributor to that series was invited to help us take note of a special anniversary–Ed. Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 The abilities and talents that God gives to His children vary greatly, not only in kind but also in measure. To one He gives much;… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Studies In Ephesians

Written by Peter Reim | December, 2000
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Proclaiming the Unsearchable Riches of Christ (See 3:8) Chapter 5:1-7 The Christian Life–A Fragrant Sacrifice What does a sacrifice smell like? We who are long separated from life in the camp of the Israelites may have given little thought to such things as the aroma of a Levitical offering. But we’re not far removed from… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Historical Markings

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | December, 2000
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Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? AS WE BRING THIS FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY YEAR TO A CLOSE, AN ANNIVERSARY PRAYER– O God, our Refuge and Fortress, who in Christ has brought us into Your household, the Church, and made us fellow citizens with the saints, fill us with loving gratitude and praise for every… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Parables Of The Master

Written by John Schierenbeck | December, 2000
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Luke 17:1-10 The Unprofitable Servant Reason is totally contrary to faith. In this section Jesus reveals that man by nature cannot possibly understand or grasp the things of God. Jesus’ words make no sense in the real world. They are radical words of faith and loving service. We like to take pride in the things… Read More »Month Archive Read More

A Chapel Talk

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | December, 2000
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“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (Professor Clifford Kuehne’s final chapel address at Immanuel Lutheran College, Eau Claire, Wisconsin; May 10, 2000) Fellow-redeemed in Christ: That’s the third and last line of the motto that appears… Read More »Month Archive Read More


Written by Paul Fleischer | December, 2000
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Adapted from a Christmas sermonette on Hebrews 2:9-18– “Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity . . . “ Have you heard of the Moravian Church? The Moravians are a Protestant sect which sprang up around the time of the Reformation. They are more Calvinistic and pietistic than they… Read More »Month Archive Read More


Written by L D Redlin | December, 2000
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A wonder that will never cease To cause our hearts to stir Is when the LORD came down to us– With prophets’ words concur. We know we don’t deserve a thing From God and from His grace. In fact, our sins condemn us all; In shame we hide our face. The wonder of it all… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Christmas thoughts from our Synod President–

Written by Daniel Fleischer | December, 2000
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A Season for Receiving Areas of South Texas have experienced serious drought this past summer and fall. With the lack of rain use restrictions have been placed on residents’ water usage because the reservoirs and aquifers are dangerously low. These sources of water cannot continue to give without being replenished. Therein lies a lesson for… Read More »Month Archive Read More

The Christmas Of The Christian

Written by Joel Fleischer | December, 2000
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What can be said about Christmas that hasn’t been said already? We hear it all every year: “It’s over-commercialized!” “It’s too expensive!” And that’s true of the “Christmas” of the world. The world has, of course, taken the Christ out of Christmas and replaced Him with an X-mas–which to them is only a time of… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Having The True Spirit Of Christmas

Written by Delwyn Maas | December, 2000
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“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, and hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David.” — Luke 1:68-69 White lights delicately outlining the shapes of palm trees. Bright red bows tied around stately saguaro cacti. Temperatures dipping down… Read More »Month Archive Read More

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