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Year/Month: 1997/01


Written by Robert List | January, 1997
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Mission Efforts Relocated Colorado Springs — St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Colorado Springs is now meeting at the Lehmberg Chapel, located on the northwest corner of Nevada Avenue and Boulder. Services are held every Sunday at 3:30 p.m. For further information contact Pastor Delwyn Maas at (303) 278-7216 or Mr. “Chuck” Seeley at (719) 685-5848.… Read More »Month Archive Read More

“Country School Day”

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | January, 1997
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A little red country school house near the Fischer farm in Hanska, Minnesota was the site of Country School Day for Immanuel-Mankato students in grades 1-4. The school is owned, in part, by Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Marlene) Fischer, members of Grace Lutheran Church in Sleepy Eye. They graciously offered and prepared the school house… Read More »Month Archive Read More

CLC Teachers’ Conference —

Written by Ronald Roehl | January, 1997
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Worthy Through Christ Valentine, Nebraska was the site of the CLC Teachers’ Conference in late October 1996. The warm greetings and the overall hospitality of the host congregation, Grace, were greatly appreciated by all in attendance. The devotional leader, David Bernthal, gave us “A Look At Ourselves” using three questions: Are you prepared to lead?… Read More »Month Archive Read More

If We Resemble Apes, Does That Mean We Evolved From Apes?

Written by Dr David N Menton | January, 1997
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Anyone who has ever watched the monkeys and apes at the zoo couldn’t help but notice their resemblance to humans. By comparison, the bears in the zoo are not nearly as similar to human as are the apes. Still, bears are warm-blooded mammals and thus are more similar to human that are cold-blooded reptiles like… Read More »Month Archive Read More


Written by Lutheran Spokesman | January, 1997
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* BLACK AND WHITE AND GRAY “Black and white is comfortable, but gray may be more honest.” This is the commentary headline of an article in the ecumenical newspaper, Metro Lutheran. If you want to know what is wrong in the church, and within liberal Lutheranism, there you have it. It is clear that th4e… Read More »Month Archive Read More

“New Creatures In Christ”

Written by Bertram J Naumann | January, 1997
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(2 Cor. 5:17) Studies in Second Corinthians Chapter 12 “OH, HOW I SUFFER!” The title is imprinted on a barbecue apron, given as a Christmas present along with considerable “tongue-in-cheek.” The strange thing is that what makes the title so funny really isn’t funny for very long. That is because all of us have surely… Read More »Month Archive Read More

As Revealed By Scripture–

Written by Keith Olmanson | January, 1997
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The Devil #3 Man Is No Match For The Devil The devil was very real to Martin Luther. He recognized the devil as a formidable enemy and taught us to sing: The old, evil Foe now means deadly woe; Deep guile and great might Are his dread arms in fight On earth is not his… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Another devotion (condensed) from last summer’s convention,

Written by Michael Eichstadt | January, 1997
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under the theme: “Who Are We?” People Of God — Diverse, Yet United What if every one of us were just like everyone else? What if we were all cut from the same heavenly cookie cutter? We would look alike, dress alike, and think the same. At this point we might say, “Great! Everyone would… Read More »Month Archive Read More


Written by Steven Sippert | January, 1997
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They say that a good product will sell itself. You can tell by the way people talk. If they like a new product, they not only use it for themselves. They tell their friends. They recommend the product to others. Likewise, when people are satisfied with their doctor or their mechanic or their barber, they… Read More »Month Archive Read More

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