Author: Robert List
IN MEMORIAM Arvid Gerhard Walter Gullerud was born on January 19, 1920, to Rev. Olaf and Sarah (Tyssen) Gullerud. The family lived about a mile from the small village of Glendorado, Minnesota. In 1934 he was confirmed by his father at nearby Norseland Lutheran Church. Shortly after this. his father passed away, and the family… Arvid G.W. Gullerud, 1920-2015 Read More
Installations As authorized by President Fleischer, I installed Karl Stewart as the pastor of Grace Lutheran Chruch in Live Oak, Florida. The installation took place during the morning worship service of December 17, 1995. –Pastor Wayne Eichstadt As authorized by President Fleischer, I, with the assistance of Pastor Arvid Gullerud, installed Matthew C. Thurow as… Announcements Read More
Mission Efforts Relocated Colorado Springs — St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Colorado Springs is now meeting at the Lehmberg Chapel, located on the northwest corner of Nevada Avenue and Boulder. Services are held every Sunday at 3:30 p.m. For further information contact Pastor Delwyn Maas at (303) 278-7216 or Mr. “Chuck” Seeley at (719) 685-5848.… Announcements Read More