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Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain TLH 204, WS 726, LSB 487

Because of editing deadlines, I am writing this Easter piece for the Spokesman today, though Easter itself lies many weeks in the future. Looking out my office window, I see nothing but snow, the thermometer stands at -9° F, and most schools in the state are closed for the next two days. It’s the end of January, and all anyone is talking about right now is winter. Can there be an Easter hymn somewhere in all this?

One line in particular came to mind from the second verse of a very old hymn by John of Damascus. It dates from the eighth century: All the winter of our sins, / Long and dark, is flying from His light. . . .” So there it is, Easter springing from the depths of a polar vortex!Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain TLH 204, WS 726, LSB 487

Preparing A Chamber

Circuit-riding should not be totally unknown to us. Modern competition cowboys ride circuits as well as horses and bulls. Judges in the sparsely populated Old West traveled their circuits of responsibility. And so did some… Preparing A Chamber


“Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.”   (Hebrews 13:7 ESV) The Hebrew Christians who were initially addressed… Persevere

The Unification Church

The Unification Church was established by Sun Myung  Moon (“Shining Sun and Moon”) following the Korean War. Claiming that he had received a vision from God, he started out to fulfill his mission of uniting… The Unification Church

The Small Catechism

I know nothing about sports. But since many of my church members are sports fanatics, I have had to learn a few analogies. One such is the phrase “back to basics.” It means a return to… The Small Catechism

Our Future Easter

It’s the service no one wants to miss. After forty days of somber Lenten reflection and repentance, everyone is hungry for the exuberant joy of Easter morning. It’s time to put on the best dress… Our Future Easter

The Value of Rest and Quietness


“Don’t just sit there—do something!”

This familiar adage applies in many situations. The crops won’t plant themselves in the spring. The cereal spilled all over the floor isn’t going to clean up itself. “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.”
(2 Thessalonians 3:10)

This axiom, however, does not apply at all to our being saved. Our ego finds that hard to swallow. This goes beyond the commendable inclination to be responsible and clean up after ourselves; it’s also a sinful pride thing. We would like to be able to take at least a little credit for saving ourselves—or perhaps more than just a little.

In the challenges they faced with their enemies, Israel sought security through making alliances with other nations. Maybe swift horses would be the answer!The Value of Rest and Quietness

True Contentment

STUDIES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may… True Contentment


UNDERSTANDING THE CULTS – ROSICRUCIANISM In this twelve-part series we are taking a brief look at some of the major cults, past and present, that have found adherents in the United States. Your pastor can… Rosicrucianism

The Athanasian Creed

“THIS WE BELIEVE” In ongoing observation of the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, we are presenting a brief overview of the Book of Concord. The series will survey the three ecumenical creeds and the… The Athanasian Creed