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Gems from the Old Testament


GEMS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT “What is truth?” So spoke Pontius Pilate. He was responding to Jesus’ declaration: “For this cause I was born, and… Read More »TRUTH

Relief in Troubled Times— Worship the Lord!


King David did not have a carefree life. He often wrote of sorrow, tears, and loneliness in his psalms. Those same psalms, nevertheless, reveal deep faith. Whatever the circumstances of his troubled times, however intense and prolonged, David trusted God.

David praised and thanked God in troubled times as well as on occasions of celebration. Giving thanks may be the last thing we feel like doing when something unpleasant comes our way. Focusing on how miserable we are, however, has never provided us with answers or solace, and it never will. Read More »Relief in Troubled Times— Worship the Lord!