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church sign of Immanuel of Winter Haven, blown over by Hurricane Ian


Rededication Anniversary This year Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mankato, Minnesota will be honoring and praising God for the fiftieth anniversary of the rededication of our sanctuary. After the church was struck by lightning and burned… Announcements


Southeast Pastoral Conference Gift of God Lutheran Church, Fairfax, Virginia September 27-29, 2022 Agenda: Our Youth and Future—Professor Daniel Schierenbeck “The Gospel”—Pastor Matthew Hanel Homiletics—Pastor Samuel Naumann “Pornography, Desertion and Divorce” “Pastoral Refreshment”—Pastor David Pfeiffer… Announcements


Installation. In accord with our usage and order, Kendra Rodebaugh, who was called by Gethsemane Lutheran Church of Spokane Valley, Washington, to be its lower grades teacher, was installed on July 17, 2022. Preaching for… Announcements


The 35th Convention of the Church of the Lutheran Confession June 23-26, 2022 Immanuel Lutheran College, Eau Claire, Wisconsin –Pastor Paul Nolting, CLC Moderator


Financial Aid Applications. Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary has a financial aid program that helps students to attend by assisting with loans, multi-student grants, individual student grants, scholarships, and work study. All students… ANNOUNCEMENTS


West Central Delegate Conference St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Lakewood, Colorado May 24-26, 2022 Agenda: • Is It a Sin to Disobey Illegal Laws, Guidelines, Regulations, Etc.?—Mr. Loren Hansen“Blessed”—Does It Refer to a Preceding Action or… ANNOUNCEMENTS


Argentinian Cities Ban Worship Around Election Day. Several major cities in Argentina have banned worship and religious observances for a several day period before and after election days in an apparent attempt to stifle religious… SEEN IN PASSING


Installations In accord with our usage and order, Joel Fleischer, who was called by Berea Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sioux Falls, S.Dak. to be its pastor, was installed on September 28, 2014. Pastor John Hein… Announcements 

CLC Announcements

Great Lakes Pastoral Conference • September 30-October 2, 2014 (Tues-Thurs) Messiah Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, Wisconsin Agenda: + Old Testament: Introduction to Habakkuk and Exegesis of Habakkuk 2:1-4 —Pastor Joel Fleischer + New Testament: Introduction… CLC Announcements