Dec 25-31
25 Christmas Day -THL 90 Enjoy Jesus’ birthday with Him and His family! 26 John 4:3-26-THL 279 Her Christmas gift came as a surprise. 27… Read More »Dec 25-31
25 Christmas Day -THL 90 Enjoy Jesus’ birthday with Him and His family! 26 John 4:3-26-THL 279 Her Christmas gift came as a surprise. 27… Read More »Dec 25-31
19 Matthew 3:13-17 -THL 74 Praise the Spirit for these testimonies! 20 Matthew 4:1-11 -THL 142 Self-sacrifice was His constant purpose. 21 John 1:19-28 -THL… Read More »Dec 19- 24
12 Luke 2:21-24 -THL 114 And Jesus was His name. 13 Luke 2:25-38 -THL 137 These believers were ready and waiting. 14 Matthew 2:1-12 -THL… Read More »Dec 12-17
5 Philippians 2:5-11 -THL 104 Jesus gave up His regency for us. 6 Genesis 49:8-12-THL -THL 77 Jacob previews Jesus as Shiloh. 7 Numbers 24:15-19… Read More »Dec 5-10
An almost palatable taste of hope was in the air. Much had been promised and much was expected–at least by the faithful. The elements of success had been carefully brought together. People waited with bated breath. Finally, the winning shot went home and the team held on for ultimate victory. The USA hockey team had beaten the Russians and went on to capture the gold.
A nation, perhaps with many throughout the world, erupted with joy. The announcer could only gasp: “Do you believe in miracles?!”
Ice again covers the lakes, and excitement wafts through the air. Much has been promised; much is expected. It’s not Lake Placid in 1980, but it’s Christmas. And the question should again be asked with great awe and wonder, “Do you believe in miracles!?”Read More »Do You Believe In Miracles?
2 Mark 1:21-34 -THL 114 Jesus worked Saturdays AND Sundays! 3 Luke 4:14-30– THL 60 Was He Joseph’s boy, or God’s Messiah? 4 Luke 5:1-11-THL… Read More »January 2- 7
27 Advent: John 8:48-59 -THL 64 Abraham rejoiced to see Jesus’ day. 28 Genesis 50 -THL 615 We anticipate our reunion with all of them.… Read More »November 27- December 3
14 Genesis 46 -THL 533 When God gives a clear directive, we follow it. 15 Genesis 47 – THL 540 God blessed Egypt for His… Read More »November 14- 19
7 Genesis 44 – THL 388 God guided the brothers back into His flock. 8 Genesis 45 -THL 434 God turned sin to serve His… Read More »November 7-12
“But that’s not fair!!!” You can almost hear the whining voice of a four-year-old complaining about not receiving the treatment he thinks he deserves. To the child’s young mind, it doesn’t seem fair that older brothers and sisters get to stay up later than he does to watch TV because that’s unwarranted favoritism.
But how many young children voice objections about fairness when they receive something BETTER than they deserve? As a twelve-year-old, did you complain that your four-year-old sibling did not get to stay up as late as you?
Jacob had left Canaan on less than good terms. He had tricked his aged and blind father Isaac into giving him the blessing that belonged to his older twin brother, Esau—not fair!! For this, Esau hated Jacob to the point of wanting to kill him. Jacob had to flee Canaan with only the clothes on his back and a staff in his hand. He would spend the next twenty years working in a foreign country.Read More »Unfair Treament