Which contract with God do you prefer?
Which contract with God do you prefer?
Friends of Satan are no friends of Jesus.
He gives the Spirit as His native breath.
We are Jesus’ assistants; let’s get at it!
One can hardly envision entering the season of Lent without contemplating again the events that occurred on the Mount of Olives, for that is where the Lord began the suffering of His final hours.
That is where His passive obedience took root–in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The first biblical reference to Olivet1 is in connection with our Lord’s lesser father–King David. A thousand years earlier, Israel’s second king–a forepicture of Christ–was forced to flee Jerusalem for his life (2 Samuel 15:30). David’s son Absalom had conspired and rebelled against his father, and the king was forced to make the journey down into the Kidron Valley, up the mount on the other side and, with much weeping and sorrow, on toward the desert.Sorrow and Glory at Olivet