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Memory is a funny thing.

Very often we remember what we’d like to forget and forget what we’d like to remember. I can clearly remember specific events in my childhood…
yet I’m unable to remember a single event from an entire year.

The 22nd Psalm concludes with these words:
“All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You” (v. 27).  


The Best Seller of All Time

When people are looking for a good book or e-book to buy and read, they may look over the New York Times Best Seller list.


While there are critics who claim this particular Book should be listed in the fiction genre, there should be no question that it is non-fiction.

Simply because a book is on the Best Seller list doesn’t mean it is worth purchasing and reading. For example, one review of the best selling book Killing Jesus by Bill O’Reilly reports that the author makes the bogus claim that the reason Jesus was killed by the Romans is that He was interfering with the cash flow of tax money (Read what Jesus says in the Gospel record about paying taxes to the Roman government, Matthew 22:21).

The Best Seller of All Time

The Holy Spirit’s Perfect Book

The Holy Spirit’s Perfect Book

It contains historical writings,
selections of poetry, and words of prophecy.

It boasts a collection of twenty-one letters and four
Gospels telling about the life of a certain Jewish rabbi.

It was written in two languages by numerous authors
over a span of sixteen centuries.
The Holy Spirit’s Perfect Book


PERSPICUITY: The most important doctrine you’ve never heard of  Pastor Paul Naumann • Tacoma, Washington “Well, that’s your interpretation!”  Sadly, this is how the conversation sometimes ends when you attempt to discuss the Bible with… PERSPICUITY

Real Love

It won’t be long before red hearts decorate the landscape in businesses around town. It’s another opportunity for kids to eat candy. It’s called “Valentine’s Day.” Well, truth be told, the candy isn’t just for… Real Love

Happy New Year!

Do you ever wonder what is so new about “New Year”?

Oh sure, we add another number to the counting of years. We will call it 2014 instead of 2013, but does that really make it new?

The world still has the same problems. Our flesh is still plagued with the same sins. A succession of broken resolutions reminds us that we haven’t really changed. We truly ought to have been consumed in God’s wrath long ago.

We remember that Achan was stoned to death because he coveted and took some of the plunder of Jericho for himself (Joshua 7). We think of the man who was stoned because he gathered sticks on the Sabbath Day to build a fire to cook the manna (Numbers 15). Remember how Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead because they lied to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5).

Are we any less sinful than they? Because of the many times we have sinned, shouldn’t we have been struck down with God’s righteous judgment? ABSOLUTELY!Happy New Year!

Seeking the Christ

Many things in life seem to be unfair. Thus it is often asked: “By what measure of fairness will God condemn to everlasting punishment those who have never heard the gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus?” A rebuttal question might be,

“Did they ever seek out God and His Christ?”

Surely the evidence and cause for such seeking exist, for “the heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1), and “His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead” (Romans 1:20).Seeking the Christ

The Reason for the Season

The word Epiphany means to show forth or make known.

The Epiphany season of the church year affords us an opportunity to see Jesus as He truly is: “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13), the One “in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9).

We see Jesus’ glory as the only begotten Son of God. We see it in His miracles and His teaching. We see it even in His wondrous grace
in willingly coming into the world for the likes of us. Jesus came to make the complete payment for the sins of all who had lived or ever would live.The Reason for the Season

The Value of Life

One doesn’t have to search far to find examples of human life being devalued. The periodic acts of violence in our nation’s schools and streets are regular reminders. So too are the statistics of abuse—physical and chemical—whether self-inflicted or by others. Statistics tell a similar tale in the running record of suicides, assisted suicides, abortions, and what borders on euthanasia.

These sad and sobering realities cut a wide swath with many and varied contributing factors, but they can all be traced back to a fundamental devaluing of life.The Value of Life