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A Fruitful Christian Life

In our family, there are few things we enjoy more than a freshly picked tomato out of our garden. As I write this article, the soil has been prepared and the tomato plants are in the garden and have been caged. We know that we will have to make sure the plants are watered and protected from little hands over the coming months. Our hope is that by the time this August edition of the Lutheran Spokesman arrives, we will be harvesting some of the first-fruits from our tomato plants.

However, those fresh tomatoes are not going to magically appear in our backyard. Nor are those plants going to survive if they are not regularly watered. We need the plant first, and then we need to take care of the plant in order to enjoy those delicious, vine-ripened tomatoes.A Fruitful Christian Life


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date / Verse / Reading Comments

Aug 1 TLH 154 Dan 6:1-9 Out of envy, Daniel’s enemies plotted against him. Out of envy, Jesus’ enemies did the same (Matthew 27:18).

Aug 2 WS 761 Dan 6:10-16 We can stand firm when our faith is tested, too, knowing that God is at our side.

Aug 3 TLH 25 Dan 6:17-28 God not only saved Daniel from the lions, but also used the event to glorify His name
(vv. 25-28).

Aug 4WS 7601 John 4:1-5Beware of those around you who speak from the viewpoint of the world. It really is different from the viewpoint of Christ.“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS August 2017

The Shepherd Kindly Calls

“Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.

(1 Peter 5:2-4)

This summer, several CLC congregations will have ordination and installation services for their new pastors who have just graduated from Immanuel Lutheran Seminary in Eau Claire. These men will then begin a career of service to the Lord and His people. In each case, how these positions were filled is unlike any type of “job placement” in the usual sense of that phrase. None of the graduates sent in a résumé to apply for the position of pastor. The congregations conducted no interviews of prospective candidates; in fact, they asked to be assigned a graduate sight-unseen! There were no salary negotiations or contracts to sign. From the standpoint of normal business practices, the whole process appears to be fraught with uncertainty and the likelihood of failure—and yet both parishioners and pastors-elect expect the arrangement to work out superbly. The reason for this, simply put, is a matter of faith. It has to do with trust in the promises and directions that are found in the Word of God concerning the doctrine of the call.The Shepherd Kindly Calls


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Verse Reading Comments

Jun 1 TLH 225 John 6:60-71 The Spirit gives life through the Word of Christ.

Jun 2WS 739Acts 2:1-21The Spirit moves His people to prophesy—to tell the world of salvation through Jesus.

Jun 3 TLH 210 Acts 2:22-36 Jesus is truly the Son of God, the appointed Savior for all people.

Jun 5 WS 752, LSB 603; Acts 2:37-47 Baptism is for all because the promise is for all, adults and children of all ages alike.

Jun 6 TLH 234 Acts 9:1-9 Jesus rescues one of His enemies. What love and grace!

Jun 7 TLH 231 Acts 9:10-22 The Holy Spirit turned Saul’s heart so quickly that it baffled the Jews, but we rejoice at the power of God and each soul won for Christ.


Gifts Galore


Did you know that there are over 30,000 different species of fish in our world? Scientists, and others who keep track of these things, tell us there are about 300,000 different species of plants for our enjoyment. But the granddaddy of diversity goes to the insect kingdom with a whopping 950,000 different kinds of insects and more being described or discovered nearly daily! No doubt about it, our God is a God of variety and diversity. The diversity of plant and animal life that God has given us is astounding! However, the riotous variety of colors, sounds, tastes and abilities of nature that God has provided pales in comparison to the variety of abilities He has provided the crown of His creation, mankind.

Throughout history we see many examples of the relentless curiosity of man expanding or expounding on our knowledge of God’s creation. Although man’s inquisitiveness may at times get him into trouble, we often have the opportunity to praise God because of the creative abilities of others.Gifts Galore

Road Trip: 1510-1511

The ROAD TO REFORMATION In preparation for the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, we are presenting a brief survey of the life of Martin Luther. The series will culminate in the October 2017 issue… Road Trip: 1510-1511

Graduating to the Real World


“Do all things without complaining and disputing,  that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,  holding fast the word of life.” (Phil. 2:14-16)

Formal education is a time of preparation. That is the way it is seen in the world, and by Christians as well. We strive to prepare our young people for what is coming in life. Of course that includes preparing for a job, profession, or vocation. In the world it is seen as especially important that an education expose young people to new and different ways of thinking, challenge their values, and broaden their intellectual and cultural standards. The Christian educator would agree that it is important to open the eyes of the student to what is out there in the world; however, it may be with much more caution and far less blanket endorsement. Graduating to the Real World