Mandatum Novum The New Commandment
DEVOTION – Maundy Thursday
It takes conviction and effort to be willing to do the up-close and dirty work
of washing a fellow sinner with God’s Word of grace.
Our annual commemoration of the night before Jesus’ crucifixion is known as “Maundy Thursday.” Though it is difficult to be certain, most church historians think that the word maundy is derived from the Latin translation of Jesus’ words, spoken that night, as found in John 13:34: “A new commandment [mandatum novum] I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”
What could be “new” about this commandment? Jesus had often instructed His disciples to love their neighbors as themselves, and even to love their enemies. At this time, however, Jesus raised the bar considerably. Each believer is to love his fellow Christian “as I have loved you.” In other words, the depth of our love for one another is to be measured by Jesus’ own humble, self-sacrificial love shown to us.Mandatum Novum The New Commandment