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* FROM THE “SAY IT ISN’T SO” DEPARTMENT (From the Calvary Contender, April 15, 1997, quoting in turn the “Maranatha Baptist Watchman“): “Many who were once strong and vocal in their defense of personal and… SMORGASBORD

From a Wider Field

by Egbert Schaller ‘The Northwestern Lutheran’ — September 30, 1956 Dear Editor: We are entering the month of the Reformation anniversary. You won’t mind a little journey into history? Almost from the very beginnings of… From a Wider Field


* FROM THE “SAY IT ISN’T SO” DEPARTMENT — At times we read some compelling words to which we can only add: “Well said!” Here is one, with comment. (From The Concordia Lutheran, Sept.-Oct. 1996).… SMORGASBORD