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Date Hymns Reading Comments

TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Sep 1 TLH 9 (LSB 906) Luke 6:1-11 The disciples weren’t “harvesting” on the Sabbath, they were eating lunch. It was clear that the Pharisees had distorted and lost the true purpose for the Sabbath: rest for souls.

Sep 2 TLH 7 Luke 6:12-26 After calling His disciples, Jesus reminded them not to expect an easy life, but rather a blessed one.

Sep 3 TLH 547 Luke 6:27-45 Love does not do evil, even to our enemies, and it does not allow us to look down on  those who have sinned as if we never have or never would.

Sep 4 TLH 251 (LSB 953) Luke 6:46-7:10 The centurion showed that his house was built on a foundation of rock, putting his  confidence in Jesus even from a distance.“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS SEPTEMBER 2021

The Real Normal



“Welcome to the new normal!” “I wish things could get back to normal!” “Finally, we’re getting back to normal!”

I have heard (and even expressed) similar sentiments since new guidance, mandates, and rules began to upset our lives a year ago last March. But I would ask you, what is “normal,” and do we really want to return to it? This question is especially fitting when it comes to our Christian schools, which will be opening their doors to students again this month.

“Normal” describes that which is expected, that which is considered typical. So, what was normal before the pandemic? Parents murdering their children, legally and illegally; people cheating and stealing from one another; political turmoil; areas of our world devastated by war and poverty; and, oh yes, we did have disease and death before COVID-19! Is this a world that we can call “normal” by any stretch of the imagination? Is this what we want to go back to?

God had a much higher standard for the world when He created it. “Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31) In the beginning plants, animals, nature, and mankind all worked together in perfect order and harmony with the Creator. That was God’s idea of normal! Yet man had a different idea from God’s. His rebellion against God in the Garden brought nothing but the disharmony and destruction mentioned earlier.The Real Normal

CLC Convention Report


“Still our Great Commission: ‘Make Disciples of All the Nations’”

These words (drawn from the Great Commission of Jesus recorded in Matthew 28:18-20) served as the theme of the Thirty-Sixth Convention of the Church of the Lutheran Confession. The convention was held—after a year’s delay due to COVID—on the campus of Immanuel Lutheran College in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, June 24-27, 2021. Professor David Schaller served as chaplain, opening and closing each session with encouragement from the Word of God and leading the assembly in prayer.

President’s Report

On Thursday morning President Michael Eichstadt addressed the convention with his biennial report. It was titled “A Blessed Partnership in the Gospel!” He referenced the greatest partnership in the world, that spoken of by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Philippians 1:3-5). CLC Convention Report

“Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds” TLH Hymn 629, LSB 867


Bible History is the substance of our congregations’ educational programs for children. Sunday school and vacation Bible school lessons cover history that God Himself has caused to be recorded so that every new generation can know Him. From accounts such as the Creation, the Flood, and the Passover, children learn the nature and character of the one true and living God. Especially from the history in the four Gospels they learn God’s grace and love in the life, death, and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.

It is God pleasing that children should be introduced to Bible history from an early age. We see this in the Old Testament where God instructed Joshua to set up a monument of twelve stones as a perpetual reminder of how He had parted the Jordan for the Children of Israel and brought them safely into Canaan. Its stated purpose was that children would see it, ask what it meant, and give the adults opportunities to tell what God had done for them (Joshua 4:4-7).“Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds” TLH Hymn 629, LSB 867

The Dirty Dozens

GEMS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT 1967 saw the release of the WWII movie The Dirty Dozen. A rather recalcitrant U.S. army major (Lee Marvin) was given the task of recruiting, training, and leading twelve men… The Dirty Dozens

Heresy Hunters

ERROR’S ECHO In this series we take a look back at some of the most notorious errors and heresies that have threatened the church over the centuries, as well as the subtle (and not so… Heresy Hunters