Date Hymns Reading Comments
TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006
Sep 1 TLH 9 (LSB 906) Luke 6:1-11 The disciples weren’t “harvesting” on the Sabbath, they were eating lunch. It was clear that the Pharisees had distorted and lost the true purpose for the Sabbath: rest for souls.
Sep 2 TLH 7 Luke 6:12-26 After calling His disciples, Jesus reminded them not to expect an easy life, but rather a blessed one.
Sep 3 TLH 547 Luke 6:27-45 Love does not do evil, even to our enemies, and it does not allow us to look down on those who have sinned as if we never have or never would.
Sep 4 TLH 251 (LSB 953) Luke 6:46-7:10 The centurion showed that his house was built on a foundation of rock, putting his confidence in Jesus even from a distance.“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS SEPTEMBER 2021