A Bangladesh Baptism
[Ed.: The names of certain people and places in this article are withheld because of the risk of persecution.] On our visit to Bangladesh in May, the Lord provided an incredible example of His grace,… A Bangladesh Baptism
[Ed.: The names of certain people and places in this article are withheld because of the risk of persecution.] On our visit to Bangladesh in May, the Lord provided an incredible example of His grace,… A Bangladesh Baptism
Professor Edmund Reim was a leader in the formation of the CLC, and the first President of Immanuel Lutheran Seminary. We here reprint an article from the Lutheran Spokesman of August 1969. It has become… Revising the “I AM”?
Professor C. M. Gullerud was the first President of Immanuel Lutheran College. We here reprint the first chapel talk ever delivered at that institution following its move to the Eau Claire campus. It was reprinted… Give Me Back My Child
One of the hallmarks of the Lutheran Church is its proper understanding and application of the Bible’s two main teachings—Law and Gospel. Dr. C.F.W. Walther’s seminal work, The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel is… “Awakening” and “Conversion”—A False Dichotomy
TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006 Date Hymn Scripture Comments 2022-10-01 TLH 629 2 Timothy 1:1-12 Suffering scorn from unbelievers and imprisonment in Rome,… “BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS october 2022
“The Light of the World!” That was the theme of the 35th Convention of the CLC. As we seek to carry on the work of God in this world of sin and darkness, it is… 2022 CLC Convention Report
The short answer to “What’s new?” is “God’s steadfast love and mercy, which are new every morning.” So wrote the Prophet in Lamentations 3:21-23: “ This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:… Saint Paul Lutheran Church – Bismarck, North Dakota
DATE HYMNS READINGS COMMENTS Sep 01 TLH 434 Genesis 28 Heaven is opened wide to sinners through faith in Christ Jesus our Savior. Knowing Christ by faith, also means we have the Lord’s promise that… Bread of Life Readings, September 2022
Every other month we get an update on what’s been happening recently at our Immanuel Lutheran High School, College and Seminary in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. What happens at ILC during summer? People might assume that… Redeeming the (Summer) Time
Installation. In accord with our usage and order, Kendra Rodebaugh, who was called by Gethsemane Lutheran Church of Spokane Valley, Washington, to be its lower grades teacher, was installed on July 17, 2022. Preaching for… Announcements