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It’s a clear day up here in the Northwest. Within a few hours’ drive are dozens of beautiful mountains in the Cascade Range, which stretches from British Columbia right out through Washington State. They are… ONE HILL HOLDS LIFE

Editor’s note:

Not long ago, on one of the CLC e-mail forums, there was an exchange on the subject of what a Christian might say to another who is experiencing some great trial or testing of faith.… Editor’s note:


(Adapted from a recent bulletin article of Grace Ev. Lutheran Church, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. Paul Fleischer is pastor.) WHAT ABOUT THE ‘ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR’? Our local paper recently carried the story of the… SEEKING ANSWERS

Historical Markings

Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? “CONSTITUTING CONVENTION AT WATERTOWN, SD AND SLEEPY EYE, MN “I. Convention at Watertown, South Dakota — August 9-12, 1960 “As an outgrowth and culmination of many meetings… Historical Markings