Author: Ross Kok
DEVOTION—PRIESTHOOD OF BELIEVERS I hope that your time in school was a wonderful, enriching experience. But few things are more exciting for any student than the first days of summer vacation. Perhaps as an adult you have continued to keep the tradition of having certain times off every year. While I hope that you have… A Light Burden Read More
CONVENTION PREVIEW God’s plans are not always our plans. The Church of the Lutheran Confession’s planned 2020 Convention was not held due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, the called workers and delegates will meet this year on June 24-27 at Immanuel Lutheran College in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. In Acts 15 the Holy Spirit records a… About Our Father’s Work Read More
DEVOTION—LENT At the beginning of the book of Ruth, we’re introduced to three widows: Ruth, Orpah, and their mother-in-law, Naomi. Naomi bids her daughters-in-law to go and find new husbands. Orpah does, “But Ruth said: ‘Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will… Where You Go, I Go Read More
DEVOTION—CHRISTIAN WORSHIP Teachers get a great deal of mail for professional development opportunities. I’m sure other professions do, too. Books, seminars, and subscription services all make their case for offering essential knowledge. Continued learning opportunities are an important part of doing a job well, but the decision must be made whether each opportunity is worth… The Christian’s Professional Development Read More
COVER STORY – Palm Sunday One of the fun parts about attending a professional basketball game is the home team player introductions. The lights dim, the pump-up music plays, spotlights pan around the crowd, and the stadium announcer stretches every syllable of the star player’s name so the fans can cheer for longer. But sometimes… Triumphant Humility Read More
COVER STORY – CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The still, small voice of God. The news today can seem exceedingly loud. Numerous sources fight to be the first to tell us about all the effects of sin in the world. Political turmoil and corruption throw countries into chaos. Mass tragedies happen so frequently that we can seldom fully… Gospel Reinforcement Read More
COVER STORY – PENTECOST Our lives are constantly changing. Occasionally, those changes feel life-shattering. We move, change jobs, get sick, or lose a friend or family member; the list could go on. We wonder how we can continue, but God knows that His plan for us is not broken. God picks up the pieces of… God Has a Plan for You Read More
“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:10-11) The wise men,… Welcome to the Family Read More
When you think of a priest, a lot of terrible news stories might come to mind. Sins have become public and all too commonly connected with the word priest. This, however, is no modern issue. Even Aaron, whom God appointed as priest over the Israelites in the desert, failed to live up to his calling.… Royal Priests, by Order of Our Great High Priest Read More
COVER STORY – DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY The life of Job is worth our consideration whenever we feel discouraged. After being substantially blessed by God, he lost his possessions, his children, and finally even his health. All of that tribulation eventually led him to this question: “Is it not destruction for the wicked, And disaster… Tribulations and the Trinity Read More
COVER STORY – TRANSFIGURATION Life on earth has been described as peaks and valleys. Even within a single day, we can feel euphoric one moment and despondent the next. While experiencing a joyful moment, we often long to extend it and make that time last just a little longer. Peter, upon witnessing Jesus’ transfiguration and… More Than a Feeling Read More
COVER STORY SOLA fide Every year a debate rages in the baseball world: who should be admitted into the Hall of Fame? In the last few years, the debate has been particularly centered around players from the so-called “Steroid Era.” Should those who broke the rules and enhanced their performances with drugs be let in?… Faith Alone: No Asterisks Read More
COVER STORY – PENTECOST Pentecostalism has gained popularity in recent years. While it uses the name of one of the church festivals, Pentecostalism is not biblical. It is an idea that searches for proof of God’s power outside the means of grace. Adherents pray for gifts of speaking in tongues or divine healing based on… True Pentecostalism Read More