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Author: Nathanael Mayhew

New Missionary Arrives in India

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | April, 2016
Post Categories: HCLCN,Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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The BELC has a two-year pastor training program at the Martin Luther Bible School. The BELC also conducts monthly training meetings in each district. Our missionaries travel to these meetings, as the schedule allows, and conduct training for the pastors. In addition, the BELC has begun a two-day leadership training seminar for the chairman of… Read More »New Missionary Arrives in India Read More


Written by Nathanael Mayhew | June, 2024
Post Categories: What's New With You?,
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What’s New With YOU? Updates from congregations around the Church of the Lutheran Confession Ten years ago, there was a sense of resignation among some members of Faith Lutheran Church in New Ulm, Minnesota. It is difficult to be a small confessional Lutheran congregation in a town that is dominated by two large Wisconsin Synod… Read More »FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH–NEW ULM, MINNESOTA Read More

Evangelism and the Book of Acts

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | January, 2011
Post Categories: New Testaments,
Post Tags: acts,evangelism,missions,
How long has it been since you read the Book of Acts? This important book is often overlooked by many Christians who prefer to read the Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus or the doctrinal sound-bites of the New Testament epistles (letters). But the Book of Acts is an invaluable commentary on the message… Read More »Evangelism and the Book of Acts Read More

The Resurrection of Jesus—Fact or Fiction?

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | April, 2011
Post Categories: Church Year,
Post Tags: easter,resurrection of christ,
Many theories and lies have been advanced throughout the centuries concerning the death and the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Discovered tombs and ossuaries near Jerusalem are supposed to have contained the remains of the body of Jesus. What is fact and what is fiction? With that question in mind, let’s consider some of the facts of the resurrection… Read More »The Resurrection of Jesus—Fact or Fiction? Read More

In the Beginning

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | July, 2011
Post Categories: Miscellaneous,
Post Tags: creation,evolution,inspiration,science,
On vacation in Washington D.C. last summer our family visited a number of the famed Smithsonian museums in that city. The one that struck me most was the National Museum of Natural History which was featuring an exhibit on human origins. The director of the Museum, Cristián Samper, said this about the purpose of the… Read More »In the Beginning Read More

The Christian Calendar

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | November, 2011
Post Categories: Old Testaments,
Post Tags: calendar,old testament,
Did you know that God’s people in the Old Testament followed two calendars—a civil calendar and a religious calendar? The Lord instituted the Jewish religious New Year when He delivered them from Egypt (Exodus 12:2). The rest of the festivals and events of the religious calendar are laid out by the Lord for His people… Read More »The Christian Calendar Read More

The Christian’s Vital Breath

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | February, 2012
Post Categories: Church Year,
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The hymnwriter  John Montgomery wrote, “Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath.” How important it is to remember that prayer is a vital sign of the spiritual life of a Christian — much like a spiritual pulse. If prayer-life is lacking, then most likely faith needs a spiritual jump-start from the Word. Or maybe we have… Read More »The Christian’s Vital Breath Read More

Christ’s Going-away Presents

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | May, 2012
Post Categories: Church Year,
Post Tags: ascension,baptize,ephesus,gifts,gifts to the church,great commission,presents,
Jesus knew what was ahead for His followers. When He gave them the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, to baptize and to teach them all things (Matthew 28:18-20), He did not leave them powerless. He gave them the gifts necessary to carry out that task, and He promised them that He would… Read More »Christ’s Going-away Presents Read More

An Epiphany Psalm

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | January, 2013
Post Categories: Epiphany,
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God be merciful to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us, Selah That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You. Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You… Read More »An Epiphany Psalm Read More

The Tragic Results of a Denial of Christ’s Resurrection

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | April, 2013
Post Categories: Devotions,Lent,
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Can a person be a Christian but not believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead? The apostle Paul says that denying Christ’s resurrection brings tragic results. We list three of them below. Read More

Marangu, Tanzania

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | July, 2015
Post Categories: Missions,
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“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world’”  (John 17:17-18).   It was Saturday. I was near the city of Marangu, Tanzania, at the eastern foot of beautiful Mount Kilimanjaro. I had conducted a seminar with the pastors and… Read More »Marangu, Tanzania Read More

“Why Do You Go Overseas?”

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | January, 2016
Post Categories: Missions,Notes from the field,
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During the past ten years I have made nine trips overseas to work with our brethren in India and Africa. In the course of those years, I have had people ask me why I feel the need to travel overseas, when there are people all around us in the United States who are lost and… Read More »“Why Do You Go Overseas?” Read More

Open Doors

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | February, 2016
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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Each month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with the latest news from various mission fields. The Book of Acts records the rapid expansion of the early New Testament church. The Holy Spirit worked through the Word, using believers like Peter, John, Stephen, Philip, Barnabas, James, and Paul. Of these men, Paul is one… Read More »Open Doors Read More

Aid for Victims of India Flooding.

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | March, 2016
Post Categories: CLCI,Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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At the end of last year (November and December, 2015), southern India was affected by rainfall totals that had not been seen there in more than a decade. The result was devastating flooding in the regions of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The city of Chennai (which has a population of about five million people)… Read More »Aid for Victims of India Flooding. Read More

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Sleepy Eye, Minnesota

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | March, 2020
Post Categories: A Slice of Life in CLC,
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A SLICE OF LIFE IN THE CLC Snapshots of congregations from around the Church of the Lutheran Confession “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” (Ephesians 1:7) Sleepy Eye is a town of 3,600 people in a rural farming community where there are… Read More »Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Sleepy Eye, Minnesota Read More

Makanya, Tanzania

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | July, 2016
Post Categories: Missions,Notes from the field,
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I still remember that day. I was with three other mission helpers wrapping up our three-week visit to India. We were in our hotel room when one of the other mission helpers called us to the balcony overlooking the busy road below. “Come here, quick!” We rushed to the balcony and we knew immediately why we… Read More »Makanya, Tanzania Read More

From our Foreign Fields, An Update on the CLCI

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | August, 2016
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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Our brethren in the Church of the Lutheran Confession in India (CLCI) have approximately five hundred congregations and preaching stations, with fifteen thousand members, served by over three hundred ordained pastors.  Here is a brief glimpse at the work the Lord is doing through them. CLC members support the work of our missions through their… Read More »From our Foreign Fields, An Update on the CLCI Read More

Update on the Tanzania Church of the Lutheran Confession

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | September, 2016
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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The beginning of the CLC in Tanzania was very similar to our own beginning here in the United States. Both were formed out of already existing Lutheran Churches that were forced to leave their fellowship because of false teaching. The TCLC is divided up into four districts, which are all in the northeastern part of… Read More »Update on the Tanzania Church of the Lutheran Confession Read More

Persecution of Christians in Nepal

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | October, 2016
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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According to the World Watch List*, there are twenty-five countries where Christians are currently experiencing extreme or severe persecution. On that list you will find Nigeria (number twelve), Kenya (number sixteen), India (number seventeen), and Myanmar (number twenty-three). You might recognize these countries as places where the CLC is actively involved in mission work through… Read More »Persecution of Christians in Nepal Read More

Gift of God Lutheran Church, Mapleton, North Dakota

Written by Nathanael Mayhew | November, 2016
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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Each month our CLC Board of Missions updates us with the latest news from various mission fields. If your last visit to the little town of Mapleton, North Dakota, was more than a year ago, you might not recognize it today. Mapleton, which serves as a bedroom community for Fargo, has benefitted from the recent… Read More »Gift of God Lutheran Church, Mapleton, North Dakota Read More

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