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Year/Month: 2012/04

Stay clean by remaining in Jesus’ words!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Stay clean by remaining in Jesus’ words! Read More

Sidestep the temptation to desert Jesus!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Sidestep the temptation to desert Jesus! Read More

Satan sifts in an upside-down manner.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Satan sifts in an upside-down manner. Read More

Faithful through the grave—into glory.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Faithful through the grave—into glory. Read More

Satan chooses victims where he may.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Satan chooses victims where he may. Read More

Not just a theory, but real love.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Not just a theory, but real love. Read More

Foot-washing as His loving service.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Foot-washing as His loving service. Read More

God works better than His servants do.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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God works better than His servants do. Read More

The closing chapter of Jesus’ ministry.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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The closing chapter of Jesus’ ministry. Read More

Evidence will validate His judgment.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Evidence will validate His judgment. Read More

Invest your talents for growth!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Invest your talents for growth! Read More

The wise come equipped for the long haul.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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The wise come equipped for the long haul. Read More

What are the tribulations of our day?

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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What are the tribulations of our day? Read More

Not 50/50, but 100% for her Lord’s work!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Not 50/50, but 100% for her Lord’s work! Read More

After a truck load of condemnation–

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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After a truck load of condemnation– Read More

God will sift it all out in due time.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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God will sift it all out in due time. Read More

Ditch the system of human efforts/deeds!

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Ditch the system of human efforts/deeds! Read More

His simple answer simply amazed them.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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His simple answer simply amazed them. Read More

God does not lock His door at refusals.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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God does not lock His door at refusals. Read More

This We Believe

Written by David Reim | April, 2012
Post Categories: Historical,
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A Review of Dr. Martin Luther’s  Smalcald Articles 1. Of the Divine Majesty/Redemption/Salvation by Grace When God’s Word is attacked, the salvation of souls is in jeopardy. For that reason, Christians must stand up and proclaim the truth of God’s Word boldly and clearly. We do that not only as a testimony to those who… Read More »Month Archive Read More

A Closer Look at the Smalcald Articles (SA) (Second of Three)

Written by Paul Fleischer | April, 2012
Post Categories: Historical,
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75th Anniversary of the SMALCALD ARTICLES “…The Word of God shall establish articles of faith and no one else, not even an angel.” (Luther, SA, Part II, Art. II) Historical Setting This year is the 475th anniversary of the Smalcald Articles (SA) which were penned by Dr. Martin Luther in 1537. The boxed dateline shows… Read More »Month Archive Read More

What is Truly Lutheran?

Written by Daniel Fleischer | April, 2012
Post Categories: Articles,
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To begin with, we do well to define the term Christian. A Christian is one who believes in the forgiveness of sins through the blood atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. This faith and confidence is not part of the natural human heart but a consequence of the gospel through which the Holy Spirit creates… Read More »Month Archive Read More

See You At The Finish Line!

Written by John Schierenbeck | April, 2012
Post Categories: Church Year,
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An Easter Message from our CLC President “But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:27) Sports fans celebrate their team’s victory with enthusiasm and joy. One of the most moving sporting experiences for me was the 1980 US Hockey Team’s… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Christ’s Bodily Resurrection – A Foundational Christian Truth

Written by Mark Gullerud | April, 2012
Post Categories: Doctrine,
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The many teachings of God from Genesis to Revelation are precious to believing Christians because they form an unshakeable foundation upon which to firmly establish redeemed lives with God and to possess the certain hope of eternal life in heaven. Since God’s teachings are interconnected, we do not want to give up any of them… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Questions to Ponder

Written by Joseph Lau | April, 2012
Post Categories: Church Year,
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“How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” (1 Corinthians 15:35) The above text presents us with two special questions to ponder this Easter season. Let’s examine the second first: “And with what body do they come?” If you are like me, every year brings with it evidence of bodily… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Are We There Yet?

Written by David W. Bernthal | April, 2012
Post Categories: Daily Life,
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Being both a father and school teacher with the privilege of taking countless numbers of children on many trips, I have heard my share of “Are-we-there-yets?”! Let’s not be too hard on our youth, however. We too can get very impatient in our lives. How are you about waiting in line at a store, at… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Sheep & Shepherds

Written by David Reim | April, 2012
Post Categories: Book Reviews,
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“The Lord is my Shepherd.” What an amazing truth that is! The eternal, almighty Lord of heaven and earth is MY Shepherd. He takes care of my every need so that “I shall not want.” I will not lack any good thing. Few books draw the reader to know and feel the love of the… Read More »Month Archive Read More

Triplicate urgings to save Himself.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Triplicate urgings to save Himself. Read More

Each suspected himself rather than others.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Each suspected himself rather than others. Read More

Jesus was troubled but not detoured.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Jesus was troubled but not detoured. Read More

They caught on to their place in the story.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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They caught on to their place in the story. Read More

Jesus defended them against the rebukers.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Jesus defended them against the rebukers. Read More

Jesus was foster-parent and role-model.

Written by Lutheran Spokesman | April, 2012
Post Categories: The Bread of Life,
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Jesus was foster-parent and role-model. Read More

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