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2012 Convention Church of the Lutheran Confession

Monday, June 18 – Thursday, June 21

Immanuel Lutheran College,
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Theme: Thanks Be To God,
Who Gives Us The Victory
Through Our Lord Jesus Christ!
(1 Corinthians 15:57)


1. Be steadfast and immovable!

2. Be always abounding in the work of the Lord!

May the Lord of the Church bless our Convention!

May the Lord of the Church bless our Convention!

2012 Convention Church of the Lutheran Confession

100th Anniversary

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston, Wash., is planning a 100th Anniversary celebration on May 27, 2012. A 2:00 p.m. worship service will be followed by a dinner and a special program. All are welcome to… 100th Anniversary


Great Lakes Delegate Conference, Peace Thru Christ Lutheran Church,

Middleton, Wisconsin — June 4-5, 2012 – Agenda:

1. Addressing the numerical decline in our CLC Schools — Norm Mackensen

2. Discussion and definition of ‘regular church attendance’ as it relates
to the 3rd commandment and Hebrews 10:25 — Pastor Joel FleischerAnnouncements


ILC REGENTS CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The Board of Regents of Immanuel Lutheran College invites nominations for the office of President of ILC. The current term of Professor John Pfeiffer expires June 30, 2012.  All pastors,… Announcement

CLC Teachers’ Conference

Teacher Craig Owings, Immanuel Lutheran School, Mankato, Minnesota

Day One

Shaped to Serve was the theme of the 2011 CLC Teachers’ Conference, hosted by Faith Lutheran Church and School of Markesan, Wisconsin, from October 19-21 of this year.

The conference started with a devotion by Conference Chaplain Paul Tiefel III. The text was Isaiah 44:24, “Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, And He who formed you from the womb: ‘I am the Lord, Who makes all things, Who stretches out the heavens all alone, Who spreads abroad the earth by Myself. . . .’” CLC Teachers’ Conference


2012 CLC Mission Helper Trip East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) July 2012

The CLC Mission Helper Program is taking applications and making preparations for the 2012 Mission Trip. The number one priority of this trip will be spreading the Good News of forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life through the life, death, and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. In July of 2012 Mission Helpers will travel to East Africa to teach child evangelism lessons to thousands of member and non-member children in village congregations of the CLC-Tanzania and CLC-Kenya.Announcements



In accord with our usage and order,
Mrs. Carolyn Reim, who was called by Messiah Lutheran Congregation, Eau Claire, Wis. to be teacher in its school for first grade (all day) and second grade (afternoons) was installed on August 20 and 21, 2011.Announcement

A Centennial Celebration!

Thank You, Lord!

Prof. Em. Robert Rehm reporting

On July 28, 2011, an hors d’ouvres potluck was held at the Immanuel Lutheran College Commons building (Eau Claire, Wis.) to honor Adelgunde Schaller. A group of past and present faculty, staff, and spouses gathered to thank the Lord for His hundred years of blessings to our dear friend, Gunde.A Centennial Celebration!


Great Lakes Pastoral Conference September 27-29, 2011 Messiah Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin Agenda: + Modern Media Methods—An Avenue for Ministry?—Pastor Bruce Naumann + Simplified Guide to Common Greek Grammatical Constructions for Use in Sermon… Announcements


50th Anniversary Observance In thanks and praise to our Savior Jesus, all are invited to join us for worship and a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Grace Ev. Lutheran Church of Valentine, Nebraska, on… Announcements