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CLC Convention Report

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“Still our Great Commission: ‘Make Disciples of All the Nations’”

These words (drawn from the Great Commission of Jesus recorded in Matthew 28:18-20) served as the theme of the Thirty-Sixth Convention of the Church of the Lutheran Confession. The convention was held—after a year’s delay due to COVID—on the campus of Immanuel Lutheran College in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, June 24-27, 2021. Professor David Schaller served as chaplain, opening and closing each session with encouragement from the Word of God and leading the assembly in prayer.

President’s Report

On Thursday morning President Michael Eichstadt addressed the convention with his biennial report. It was titled “A Blessed Partnership in the Gospel!” He referenced the greatest partnership in the world, that spoken of by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Philippians 1:3-5). CLC Convention Report

MAN UP Retreat—August, 2016

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EVENTS AROUND THE CLC The secular world has many meanings for the term “man up” (see sidebar). When viewed from a Christian perspective, the term takes on much greater meaning. God’s biblical advice and guidance… MAN UP Retreat—August, 2016

The Youth Conference 2015

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The Youth Conference 2015 was held at Camp Como, just outside Como, Colorado, from July 28 through August 2. It was sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Church of Mankato, Minnesota. Twenty-eight young people (ages fourteen to… The Youth Conference 2015

“We are Appointed to ”Proclaim that Truth!”

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Theme of the 31st Convention of the CLC, June 16-19, 2014 “God Our Savior Desires All Men to be Saved!” [The first of two Convention essays appeared last month; it was titled  “Jesus is the One Mediator of that Truth.” This second essay is by Pastor Michael Gurath, Phoenix, Arizona, and is abbreviated by the editor.] “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, “We are Appointed to ”Proclaim that Truth!”

Camp Koyquin 2014

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Camp Koyquin 2014 “Campers gather together after a fun and faith-filled week at Camp Koyquin 2014 in Pillager, Minnesota. 158 campers and 31 staff members made up the largest youth camp that has been put on… Camp Koyquin 2014

“Come and Rest”

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Teacher Josh Ohlmann • reporting  The 2013 CLC Teachers’ Conference was hosted by Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, Winter Haven, Florida, from Sunday through Tuesday, October 13-15. Each Christian Day School of the Church of… “Come and Rest”

CLC Teachers’ Conference 2012

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Douglas Libby • Reporter The 2012 CLC Teachers’ Conference convened Wednesday through Friday, October 17-19, in Hales Corners, Wis., enjoying the hospitality of Messiah Lutheran Church and School. Masterpieces of Christ was the conference theme… CLC Teachers’ Conference 2012

May 2013 Announcements

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West Central Delegate Conference May 28-30, 2013—St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Lemmon, South Dakota Agenda Items:  + Examining the Distinction Between Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Regeneration – Pastor James Sandeen + Comparing the Two… May 2013 Announcements