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Building the Body of Christ


In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, “Hans and Franz” wanted to “pump you up!” Two comedians were mimicking body builder and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Wearing stuffed sweatsuits, weightlifting belts and gloves, Hans and Franz complained about “flabby arms” and weak bodies. In their comedy routine, they talked about wanting to “pump you up” by lifting weights.

While their comedy sketch was funny, truly weak bodies are no joke. Ask anyone who has weak or atrophied muscles how hard it can be to carry out the simplest of everyday tasks. To “pump up” our weak muscles, we often make use of “PT”—physical therapy—to strengthen our bodies.Read More »Building the Body of Christ


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments

Jun 2 WS 734 John 20:11-18 Mary was so distracted by her own grief that she didn’t recognize the Lord right away. What was it that got her attention again? The Word of Jesus. That Word calls to us by
name too.

Jun 3 TLH 188; LSB 472 John 20:19-31 Jesus teaches us that it’s not necessary to see Him in order to believe in Him.  Again, it’s the Word of Christ that works in our hearts, not what we have seen or not seen.

Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS June 2021

About Our Father’s Work


God’s plans are not always our plans. The Church of the Lutheran Confession’s planned 2020 Convention was not held due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, the called workers and delegates will meet this year on June 24-27 at Immanuel Lutheran College in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

In Acts 15 the Holy Spirit records a controversy that struck the early Christian church. “And certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.’ Therefore, when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dispute with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain others of them should go up to Jerusalem, to the apostles and elders, about this question.” (Acts 15:1-2)Read More »About Our Father’s Work

Bread of Life May 2021


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments

May 1 TLH 633 1 Chronicles King David prepared his son Solomon for the building of the Lord’s temple. God’s house
28:1-10, 20-21 was important then and it still is today.

May 3 TLH 478 Zechariah 2:1-13 The Lord’s believers (His “Jerusalem”) enjoy His presence and His protection.

May 4 TLH 220; LSB 564 Zechariah 3:1-10 Although Satan tries to accuse us of sin, Jesus defends us by covering our sins with His righteousness, just as Joshua was given a change of clothes in Zechariah’s vision.

May 5 TLH 214 John 14:27-31 Jesus has gone to His Father, but He has not left us alone or without comfort. We are
comforted by the peace of Jesus’ forgiveness every day.

May 6 TLH 342 (LSB 611) John 15:1-17 Those who are connected to Jesus bring forth the “fruit” of good works in their lives. We especially know Christ’s people by their love for others.Read More »Bread of Life May 2021

With Talent on Loan from God


Love him or hate him, larger-than-life radio personality Rush Limbaugh had some interesting catch phrases, one of which forms the title of this article. It is more correct than most people might think. We have all been given talents and abilities from God. He does expect us to use them to His credit and His glory. He will demand an accounting from everyone when He returns. Although we all have various talents and abilities, they are often abused and misunderstood. May the Holy Spirit guide us, as He is a giver of most wonderful gifts (Galatians 5:22-23).

Keep jealousy in check. It is easy to fall into the trap of seeing another’s abilities and wondering, “Why can’t I . . . (fill in the blank).” It is also easy to consider someone else’s talent as more important or prominent than the talent we possess and then to belittle or under-appreciate our own. What a horrid world this would be if we all possessed the same abilities! Everyone would be scrambling for the same positions and leaving who knows how many unfulfilled. Rather, let us thank God for the talents of others, as well as our own.

His will, not ours. The norm today is to perpetually promote the lie to our children that they can be whatever they want to be. A quick inventory of our own desires versus abilities will show the fallacy of this statement. You may have wanted to be a professional athlete, but reality shows that only 1% of the top 1% have the ability to do so. Another may wish to be an architect; however, no one will trust an engineer or designer if he happens to be terrible at math. TV personality Mike Rowe, of Dirty Jobs fame, encourages young people not to follow their passion when pursuing a career. Rather, he suggests, find something you are good at and bring your passion with you.Read More »With Talent on Loan from God



TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments

Apr 1 TLH 164 John 9:34-41 Spiritual blindness is worse than physical blindness, and spiritual sight (faith) is greater
than physical sight.

Apr 2 TLH 178 (LSB 429) John 10:1-21 The Good Shepherd lays down His life but also has the authority to take it up again!
Apr 3TLH 592John 10:22-30The Good Shepherd gives eternal life to us, His sheep!

Apr 5TLH 200 (LSB 461)John 11:1-44Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life.”Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS APRIL 2021

Following the Risen Lord with Confidence


The story was told by one of my former teachers of a time when the lower grade classroom of Messiah Lutheran School in Hales Corners was working on an art project. I was in second grade at the time, and my classmate, Gretchen, already having finished her project, walked up to my desk and asked if I wanted help finishing mine. Apparently, my response was, “Let me see yours first.” Isn’t that a typical response? Even from childhood, most of us just don’t like getting ourselves into commitments before we know exactly what we can expect.

That wasn’t the response of another young Samuel, however. When the great prophet was still just a child serving in the tabernacle, the Lord called out to him by night. “Samuel!” Three times he ran to Eli the priest and responded, “Here I am!” (1 Samuel 3:1-10 ESV) Finally, he recognized the Lord’s voice and answered Him, “Speak, for your servant hears.” Notice the readiness in all of Samuel’s replies. “Here I am . . . Speak, for your servant hears.” With the confident trust of a child, it’s as if he’s saying, “I don’t know what is coming or what you will require of me; but whatever it is, I will listen to and follow you.” Read More »Following the Risen Lord with Confidence


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments

Mar 1 TLH 333 Nahum 1:1-11 Ninevah was the capital of the Assyrian kingdom. Assyria had brought an end to the northern kingdom of Israel. Judah was in trouble too, but Assyria’s end was coming.

Mar 2 TLH 487 Nahum 1:12-15 God would bring about Assyria’s destruction because of its wickedness, but also in order to preserve Judah for the eventual arrival of Jesus Christ.

Mar 3 TLH 659 (LSB 774) John 6:1-15 By the sign of the loaves and fish, the people recognized Jesus as someone great, but they didn’t catch on that He was there to feed their souls, not just their stomachs.Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS MARCH 2021

Union in Communion


A “Why is this night different from all others?” If you had grown up in a Jewish household, you would probably know the significance of this question. Each year, at each Passover, one of the children at the table would have asked this question of the head of the Passover meal.

On the night of His betrayal (Maundy Thursday), as the Lord Jesus celebrated the last Passover with His disciples, that question would take on a new and more important meaning. Sitting at the table with the disciples that night was the Passover Lamb of God. Soon His blood would be shed as He was punished for the sins of the world. Because of His shed blood, God passes over our sins and spares us from the eternal plague of hell that we deserved.Read More »Union in Communion


TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments
Feb 1 TLH 494 Micah 4:1-5 These prophecies have come to pass, for Jesus has come and His Word has gone
out to all lands, the Word of peace and forgiveness.
Feb 2 TLH 383 (LSB 557) Micah 4:6-13 “In that day” is our day now, the day of the New Testament Church. The Lord Jesusrules over us in love and has redeemed us from the hands of our enemies.
Feb 3 TLH 105 (LSB 389) John 3:16-21 We are saved by faith in the Son of God, therefore let us live in the light!
Feb 4 TLH 348; LSB 534 John 3:22-36 Jesus was sent from God and was greater than all the prophets. Still today He speaksthe Words of God to us.
Feb 5 TLH 559 (LSB 882) 2 Kings 10:17-31 The Lord used King Jehu of Israel to bring final judgment on the family of King Ahab and to put down the worship of Baal. Without such interventions, would there have
been any faith left in Israel?Read More »“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS February 2021