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April 11-16

11 Psalm 69:6-21 -THL 173 Thanks, Jesus, for Your integrity and devotion! 12 Luke 23:1-12 -THL 326 We share in degree and in substance. 13 Matthew 27:15-26 -THL 141 Jesus took our place on the… April 11-16

April 4- 9

4 Psalm 42 – THL 150 Let us daily cross-examine our hearts. 5 Mark 14:43-50– THL 604 When will Judas meet Jesus again? 6 Matthew 26:59-66 -THL 140 Our Substitute cares about our souls! 7… April 4- 9

We are Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus

Paul stated, “I am determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).

This preaching of the gospel included not only the fact of Jesus’ death on the cross but the meaning of this sacrifice for the sins of the world. The power of the message of the early Church was based on the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead and the promise of life to come for all who believed in Jesus as their Savior.

We are Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus

The book of Acts illustrates the central importance of the resurrection in our preaching and witnessing.Jesus’ mandate to be His witnesses to the ends of the Earth was based on the reality of His resurrection victory over death and the grave. “To whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3).We are Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus

March 28- April 2

28 1 Thessalonians 4:1-7 -THL 400 This is God’s will for our welfare. 29 Hebrews 5:5-10 – 385 Jesus’ perfection compensates for our sins. 30 Psalm 116:1-19 -THL 600 Can we identify the psalm’s three… March 28- April 2

March 21-26

21 Hebrews 4:14-16– THL 531 Jesus, please get me through this crisis! 22 James 1:12-15 -532 Satan weakens us; God strengthens us. 23 Genesis 32:24-29-THL 434 Life was never again the same for Jacob. 24… March 21-26

March 14-19

14 2 Peter 3:3-13-THL 321 God is delaying so as to save more souls. 15 Revelation 22:10-20– THL 264 Many drown in the deluge of worldliness. 16 Matthew 4:1-11– THL 152 Why was Jesus always… March 14-19

March 7-12

7 Matthew 14:22-33 – THL 233 Without Jesus life is a rough trip. 8 John 4:15-26– THL 276 Jesus was surely getting personal! 9 Ash Wed: Matthew 24:32-44 – THL 611 Our world’s final calendar… March 7-12

February 28- March 5

28 Ephesians 5:22-33 -THL 351 Love has always been the cure-all. 1 Genesis 22:15-24 -THL 428 God worked it all out, didn’t He? 2 Genesis 23:1-20 -THL 601 No haggling over a cemetery plot. 3… February 28- March 5

February 21-26

21 Mark 13:32-37 – THL 616 Gone in a flash! Taken home! Reunion! 22 Matthew 25:1-13 -THL 609 It will get too late to start shopping. 23 Psalm104:24-35 -THL 17 Our Creator supports His/our universe.… February 21-26