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The current issue of The Lutheran Spokesman is temporarily unavailable. please use this link to down load and view the pdf versision. September 2012 (PDF)
Our Convention theme is: “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Be steadfast and immovable … Always abounding in the Lord’s work.” So I decided to use the word “abounding” or “abundant” as a focal point for our devotions.
In this first devotion we will consider the Scripture truth that we sinful human beings have an ABUNDANT NEED for the pardoning grace of our God…and how our heavenly Father has supplied us, through Jesus His Son, with His ABUNDANT GRACE to meet our need.Our Abundant Need… God’s Abundant Grace
Is the pen mightier than the sword?
Throughout world history the written word has proved to be powerful. In Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments, Yul Brynner as Pharaoh had an oft-repeated line—“So let it be written; so let it be done.” When Pharaoh’s words were written down, they became law.
The spoken words of men have great power. Over the years we have witnessed people spurred into action by motivational words spoken by the likes of a Martin Luther King, Jr. We have also seen masses whipped into evil frenzies by the likes of an Adolf Hitler.
Even though man’s written and spoken words do have undeniable power, yet compared to God’s written and spoken Word—well…there is no comparison.Let there be…
As we read in the Gospel of Luke chapter 1, when the eighth day came for Zacharias and Elizabeth’s new baby boy to be circumcised, it was assumed that he would be given his father’s name, according to the custom of the times.Such was not the case here—not even close! When Zacharias had been struck speechless for his unbelief regarding his fathering a son in his advanced age, we are told, “They all marveled” when Zacharias wrote: “His name is John” (Luke 1:63).
Jesus knew what was ahead for His followers. When He gave them the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, to baptize and to teach them all things (Matthew 28:18-20),
He did not leave them powerless. He gave them the gifts necessary to carry out that task, and He promised them that He would be with them!
Christ’s ascension could have been a very discouraging event for the disciples, just as His death was at first. But the Lord Jesus did not forsake them, for He gave gifts to them and to every believer—gifts which are meant for the spiritual unity and growth of His Holy Christian Church on Earth.Christ’s Going-away Presents
“How are the dead raised up?
And with what body do they come?”
(1 Corinthians 15:35)
The above text presents us with two special questions to ponder this Easter season.
Let’s examine the second first: “And with what body do they come?”
If you are like me, every year brings with it evidence of bodily deterioration: reading glasses signify failing eyesight; recuperation time lengthens after vigorous activity or illness; joints ache for no apparent reason.
And if there is anything certain in this life, it is that aches and pains will continue to get worse!Questions to Ponder
One can hardly envision entering the season of Lent without contemplating again the events that occurred on the Mount of Olives, for that is where the Lord began the suffering of His final hours.
That is where His passive obedience took root–in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The first biblical reference to Olivet1 is in connection with our Lord’s lesser father–King David. A thousand years earlier, Israel’s second king–a forepicture of Christ–was forced to flee Jerusalem for his life (2 Samuel 15:30). David’s son Absalom had conspired and rebelled against his father, and the king was forced to make the journey down into the Kidron Valley, up the mount on the other side and, with much weeping and sorrow, on toward the desert.Sorrow and Glory at Olivet
The hymnwriter John Montgomery wrote, “Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath.”
How important it is to remember that prayer is a vital sign of the spiritual life of a Christian — much like a spiritual pulse. If prayer-life is lacking, then most likely faith needs a spiritual jump-start from the Word. Or maybe we have been doing a lot of praying with an incorrect focus— praying more for physical blessings than for spiritual.
Old Testament believer Nehemiah provides a wonderful example of a faithful prayer life. Through Nehemiah the Holy Spirit has recorded a balanced model prayer which can help us keep a proper focus (please read Nehemiah 1:1-11).
Nehemiah’s prayer can be divided into four parts: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. (This format can be easily remembered with the acronym ACTS.) The Christian’s Vital Breath
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Hebrews 11:1
When a young child’s mother leaves the room, and he cannot see, hear, or smell her – she’s gone! Then the crying begins.
We console the child,“Mama will be back!”
But the child wants proof! “Where’s my mother? I want to see her now!”
Things don’t change much as we grow older, do they? Oh, we may think we are more sophisticated and have matured—and in the things of this world perhaps we have, for time does gain us experience.
But when it comes to spiritual matters–to matters of faith–we don’t mature simply because time has passed since we first became Christians.
Either our faith is growing in the Word of God or it is dying without it.How Do We “See” the New Year?
An almost palatable taste of hope was in the air. Much had been promised and much was expected–at least by the faithful. The elements of success had been carefully brought together. People waited with bated breath. Finally, the winning shot went home and the team held on for ultimate victory. The USA hockey team had beaten the Russians and went on to capture the gold.
A nation, perhaps with many throughout the world, erupted with joy. The announcer could only gasp: “Do you believe in miracles?!”
Ice again covers the lakes, and excitement wafts through the air. Much has been promised; much is expected. It’s not Lake Placid in 1980, but it’s Christmas. And the question should again be asked with great awe and wonder, “Do you believe in miracles!?”Do You Believe In Miracles?