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(*Elected or re-elected at this Convention) CLC Officers President: The Rev. Daniel Fleischer* V.President: The Rev. Elton Hallauer* Secretary: The Rev. James Albrecht* Moderator: Prof. Ronald Roehl* Board of Missions Mr. Peter Krafft (2000) Pastor… ELECTIONS

Parables Of The Master

Matthew 13:31-33, 44-46 Kingdom Truths We have discovered that the thirteenth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel is plumb full of kingdom-of-heaven parables. Anyone interested in God’s things can here acquire a better grasp of kingdom truths,… Parables Of The Master


* PRESERVING INNOCENCE — (Adapted from the Newsletter of Grace Lutheran Church, Sleepy Eye, Minn. Paul Fleischer is pastor.) I read an article recently called “Preserving Innocence.” The article addressed the fact that our children… SMORGASBORD