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* DAILY DEVOTIONS “I’d rather read these devotions than the Bible!” — “I like his comparisons!” — “It’s as good as reading Zorn’s Manna or Meditations” — “You don’t know what you’re missing!” Such are… SMORGASBORD

Graduation, June 6, 1999

Immanuel Lutheran School Mankato, Minnesota At the graduation service at Immanuel, Mankato (2:30 p.m., Sunday, June 6th) seventeen 8th graders and eleven 12th graders were recognized for successfully completing the required courses. Five “sibling sets”… Graduation, June 6, 1999

The Trinity

A knowledge of “god” is common to all people. The knowledge of the only true God is not. Christians describe God as Triune (three-in-one) in order to confess the only living God in contrast to… The Trinity