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God never loses

Only a fool will challenge the Almighty, and the Emperor of Egypt had to learn the hard way that God never loses a contest. While we shudder as God ravaged Egypt’s economic, civil, and religious life, it does our heart good that God’s will gets done on Earth as well as in heaven. We want to be on God’s side in the winners’ circle.

Let’s watch as Jehovah’s mighty hand won the contest against a foolish mortal who thought he ruled Egypt-land. The EofE (Emperor of Egypt) was a tough fellow, over-confident that he had divine status, and he did not intend to roll over and play dead before a God he did not recognize: Read More »God never loses

Strong In Grace We Shall Prevail!

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Please read 2 Timothy 2:1-13

In the final letter to his spiritual son and young assistant Timothy, the apostle Paul encouraged: “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (2 Timothy 1:6).Read More »Strong In Grace We Shall Prevail!

Two Mothers Beneath the Cross

In this world we can expect tribulation. So Jesus informed all His followers.

As the world seeks to celebrate Mother’s Day with flowers and sweet candy, we remember that troubles and bitter sorrow also come with the job. Blessed are all godly mothers who bear their cross with faithful patience.

If we were to ask, ‘Who is the most notable example of this in Scripture?’, who would not think of Mary, the mother of Jesus?Read More »Two Mothers Beneath the Cross

Prepared, Called, and Equipped

At the age of forty years Moses was ready to solve Israel’s problems his way. He saw an Egyptian taskmaster beating an Israelite and killed the Egyptian (Exodus 2:11ff)…and then had to flee for his life!

At the age of eighty a humbled Moses was a shepherd working for his father-in-law when a day came that would once again change the course of his life.Read More »Prepared, Called, and Equipped

Let A Man Examine Himself…


A word that makes many eighth grade confirmation class students break out in a cold sweat and lose sleep at this time of year.

Those who grew up in the Lutheran Church no doubt remember well their “confirmation examination” when they were publicly questioned on Christian doctrine as summarized in the Catechism. Oh, the racing heart,

the pale face, and the sweaty palms!Read More »Let A Man Examine Himself…

Fountain of Eternity

Juan Ponce de Leon (whether he actually searched for the Fountain of Youth or not) will be forever remembered as the man who went on a futile mission. The search for eternal youth, whether in water or in an elixir of life, can seem pretty silly to us. Even the ancient Egyptians practiced the art of mummification in order to supposedly preserve the body for the after-life.

Today people are surely much more sophisticated and far too educated as to believe that such things could be found or thought to work, aren’t they?Read More »Fountain of Eternity

Worthless Worship

Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying, “Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.” He answered and said to them, “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’ But you say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother, Read More »Worthless Worship

The Resurrection of Jesus—Fact or Fiction?

Many theories and lies have been advanced throughout the centuries concerning the death and the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Discovered tombs and ossuaries near Jerusalem are supposed to have contained the remains of the body of Jesus. What is fact and what is fiction? With that question in mind, let’s consider some of the facts of the resurrection on that first Easter morning.Read More »The Resurrection of Jesus—Fact or Fiction?

High Honor and Great Privilege

Whether it be in the festival or non-festival season of the church year, we enjoy the high honor and great privilege of hearing truly glorious events that took place in the life of Christ.

Please do not pass over quickly or regard too lightly this “high honor and great privilege,” because we are living in a day and age when people, especially in the Middle East and Far East, are being severely restricted in being able to hear and learn of Christ.Read More »High Honor and Great Privilege

Easter Joy and Peace

As we sing our “Hallelujahs” on Easter morning, we will be rejoicing with genuine joy from our hearts. We may think that feeling such a joy is only natural on the anniversary of the resurrection of our dear Lord Jesus. However, as we read the accounts of that first resurrection morning, we are reminded that the joy and peace of believing is anything but natural.Read More »Easter Joy and Peace