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TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Hymns Reading Comments
Aug 1 TLH 512; LSB 839 Romans 11:25-36 In His great wisdom, God sent Jesus to die for all people. So let’s not adopt a condescending attitude toward others whom He wants to save.
Aug 2 TLH 440; LSB 747 Romans 12:9-21 We can’t always stop others from hurting us, but we can overcome their evil with good rather than retaliating.
Aug 3 TLH 417; LSB 857 Romans 13:8-14 If you just don’t know what to do, you can always love!
Aug 5 TLH 46; LSB 921 Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 If your hope and joy is only in this life, you will be disappointed; but if your hope is in the Lord and in the life to come, you will find meaning.
Aug 6 TLH 224; LSB 502 Romans 15:1-13 As you help build up another Christian, you will both benefit from the encouragement of the Scriptures and bring praise to God.
Aug 7 TLH 238; LSB 948 Romans 16:25-27 It is the Lord Who establishes us in the faith through the Gospel of Jesus Christ! All glory to Him!“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS August 2019

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Don’t you love to ponder God’s creation and His creative powers? There are multitudinous things at which we marvel that proclaim God’s glory.
• Marvel at the power of God, Who simply spoke and it was done! (Genesis 1)
• Marvel at the wisdom of God, Who designed every living thing with incredible intricacy and complexity.
• Marvel at the love of God, Who made everything perfect and beautiful for our enjoyment and use.
• Marvel at the precision and care of God, Who calls the estimated one septillion stars by name and keeps each one in its place. (Isaiah 40:26)
• Marvel at the immensity of God, Who measures the seemingly infinite universe with the span of His hand. (Isaiah 40:12).
• Marvel at the imagination of God, to create such variety and diversity of life.
• Marvel at the personal touch of God, Who cared enough to form Adam and Eve with His own hands in His own image.
When you think of creation, however, don’t think only of a past great act of God. Creation is also a present marvel that is taking place every day. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Faithful Stewards

DEVOTION – Stewardship

“Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4:2)

“Thus he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand, and he did not know what he had except for the bread which he ate.” (Genesis 39:6)
It is a strange course on which the Lord led Joseph. At home, he was living the good life. He was his father’s favorite, a dreamer in the coat of many colors. From that high position he found himself at the bottom of a cistern, thrown in there by his jealous brothers. Then he found himself sold into slavery, headed for Egypt.
Life in Egypt certainly had its ups and downs. His first stop was the home of Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh and a captain of the guard. Joseph was purchased by Potiphar as a slave and put to work. Yet, we don’t find Joseph grumbling about his servitude. Instead, the Lord was with Joseph and he was a faithful worker in Potiphar’s house. Potiphar took note of how faithful Joseph was and entrusted all into Joseph’s hands. Joseph was a steward—a manager of someone else’s home and possessions. And he was a faithful steward.Faithful Stewards

WS 782, LSB 726 “Evening and Morning”


Our lives consist of periods of work followed by periods of rest. We finish our shift or complete our daily tasks, and then we go home to get a night’s sleep. But all the while that we are sleeping, our God is awake and active. “He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” (Psalm 121:3-4) God’s providential care for His world never ceases, not even for a moment. He upholds all of creation and keeps the cycles of days and seasons running. In this way He makes the earth fruitful and provides food for all His creatures. At all hours He hears and answers the prayers of us, His children, who call to Him in the name of Jesus. He constantly observes our lives and causes all things to work together for our good.
The hymn “Evening and Morning” teaches this ongoing, never-ceasing care of God for His children. It reminds us that the good things we enjoy are the works of God. He gives “wealth, peace, and gladness, comfort in sadness.” He continues to give these and other good things all our days. He watches over us and protects us whether we are awake or asleep. “Times without number, We wake or we slumber, Your eye observes us, From danger preserves us, Shining upon us a love that is true.”WS 782, LSB 726 “Evening and Morning”


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The Smalcald Articles

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