Change Of Address Rev. Roland H. Gurgel 22 North State Street New Ulm, MN 56072 Phone (507) 354-4534 Pastor Walter V. Schaller 517 Bayberry Pointe Dr. NW, Apt. C Grand Rapids, MI 49544 Phone (616)… Announcements
Change Of Address Rev. Roland H. Gurgel 22 North State Street New Ulm, MN 56072 Phone (507) 354-4534 Pastor Walter V. Schaller 517 Bayberry Pointe Dr. NW, Apt. C Grand Rapids, MI 49544 Phone (616)… Announcements
“Let the man who would hear God speak read Holy Scripture . . . “ — Martin Luther. What can one write about Holy Scripture that has not already been written? Not much, if anything.… WHY READ THE BIBLE?
“That We Might have Hope” (Rom. 15:4) Exodus Chapters Nineteen Through Twenty-four– THE VOICE OF GOD When you go to church on a Sunday morning, do you feel a shiver of terror as you pass… LESSONS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT
“What does a communicant receive in the Lord’s Supper?” According to “Reformed” Bread only churches (Protestant but Wine only not Lutheran) “Representation” According to the Roman Body only Catholic Church Blood only “Transubstantiation” According to… Three different answers to one question:
Standing Fast In The Liberty By Which Christ Has Made Us Free (See 5:1) Chapter 2:11-21 Why did Christ die? In the last segment of Galatians, chapter 2:1-10, Paul relates how, in an effort to… Studies In Galatians
* FROM THE “SAY IT ISN’T SO” DEPARTMENT — At times we read some compelling words to which we can only add: “Well said!” Here is one, with comment. (From The Concordia Lutheran, Sept.-Oct. 1996).… SMORGASBORD
From September 1967 — THE DEATH OF HERESY–We shouldn’t be shocked. We shouldn’t even be surprised. It had to come in this age of doctrinal indifference. Yet it is hard to believe when one first… Looking Back in the Lutheran Spokesman
Spokesman editor at the time, Winfred Schaller Jr., hits many nails on the head in what he wrote thirty years ago in “The Death Of Heresy” (reprinted in this issue). At first we were going… HERESY ALIVE AND WELL
Installation In accord with our usage and order Joel Fleischer, who was called by Calvary congregation of Marquette, Michigan to be its pastor, was installed on June 1, 1997. Assisting in the installation were Prof.… Announcements
How would you feel about having one day each week when you had absolutely no work to do at all? No mowing the lawn or washing the car, no repair projects or doing the laundry.… Remember The Sabbath Day