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Historical Markings

Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? OUR ORIGIN–RIGHT OR WRONG? The CLC is today a recognized church body. But that in itself does not justify its existence. The questions that demand answers are… Historical Markings


As the word Christian means different things to different people, so also does the term Christian education. Many of the catalogues advertising Christian schools will say that they are “Christ-centered” and “Bible-based.” That certainly sounds… CHRISTIAN EDUCATION


What do you know about love? we say it a lot: “I love you.” Husbands say it to wives, wives to husbands; children say it to parents, parents say it to children. People say it… WHAT IS LOVE???


* EDITOR’S NOTE: The words below are taken from the message our CLC President delivered to the synod Convention in June. We think the words–only a portion of what was said under the broader subject… SMORGASBORD