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A Care Package from Jesus


“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:18)

Who is the most popular person in the dormitory at Immanuel, Eau Claire? On any given day, that would be the one who has received a care package from home. When I was in high school
there and a brown-paper-wrapped box arrived from Seattle, my fellow dorm-dwellers naturally expected me to share some of the homemade goodies inside. I was genuinely glad when the box would arrive, and generally willing to share. Nothing says “love” like cookies, dried fruit and packaged soup, along with news from home! Oh, I was aware on other days, too, that my parents cared about me and were thinking of me. But the personal touch that came with a care package was an immediate and comforting expression of that love.

Have you received that kind of comfort lately from your true home—that is, your home in heaven?A Care Package from Jesus

Sam Rodebaugh

IN THE PIPELINE (Seventh IN A SERIES) This series profiles the men and women who are preparing for the public teaching and preaching ministry at our Immanuel Lutheran College and Seminary in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. … Sam Rodebaugh

North Hall Upgrade

ILC Newsletter Every other month we get an update on what’s been happening recently at our Immanuel Lutheran High School, College and Seminary in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. On the beautiful campus of Immanuel Lutheran High… North Hall Upgrade



TLH = The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941; WS = Worship Supplement 2000; LSB = Lutheran Service Book, 2006

Date Verse Reading Comments

Feb 1 TLH 295 Romans 7:13-20 The Law is good, but it only leads us to recognize sin. It has no power to create spiritual life.

Feb 2TLH 297Romans 7:21-25Jesus Christ alone can set us free from sin and death.

Feb 3 TLH 446/LSB 418 Matthew 4:1-11 Although He was true God, Jesus went before the tempter as one of us. His defense is ours too: The Word of God.

Feb 4WS 771Matthew 4:12-22Jesus preaches and then shows His first disciples the joy of spreading the Gospel.

Feb 6TLH 557Matthew 4:23-25Along with sin came disease, sickness, and death into the world; but the Lord demonstrates His power over all these ills.“BREAD OF LIFE” READINGS February 2017

Unto Us a Child Is Born

A birth announcement can be one of the more joyful tasks a married couple may complete. Whether the news is published online, with an old-fashioned picture, or with a card in the mail, everyone wants to hear the details—boy or girl? How much did he weigh? How long was he?  What’s the name? Who does the baby look like?

When Jesus was presented at the Temple forty days after His birth, it was no mere birth announcement for the delight of relatives and the curiosity of strangers. Rather, it was a fulfillment of God’s Law and a pronouncement of Who Jesus truly is.

The period of Jesus’ life that we refer to as the “state of humiliation”

was continuing. He had been conceived by the Holy Spirit. He spent nine months growing inside of His mother until the proper time had come for His arrival. At eight days old, Jesus had already begun to shed His innocent blood, in the rite of circumcision. Now His mother and step-father brought Him to the Temple for His mother’s purification and His own ritual redemption.Unto Us a Child Is Born

Hymn 129 Once Far Off But Now Invited


Sometimes it helps to see a sequence of letters in print to understand what is being said. Consider a-p-a-r-t. When those letters are placed next to each other it means, ironically, that items are separated. They are “apart.” When the first two letters are separated, however, it conveys that items are connected. They are “a part.”

Which of those options applies to our relationship with the people of God?

As a group, we Gentiles—those who cannot trace blood lines back to Abraham—were separate from the covenant people of Old Testament times. Gentiles were apart from God’s chosen people of Israel, apart from those to whom the prophets were sent and the promises given.Hymn 129 Once Far Off But Now Invited