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Professor Em. Paul Koch

Who’s in charge here?

Pharaoh lost control but wouldn’t admit it; enslaved Israel never was in charge of its destiny. However, since the Lord God has control over the Universe, over emperors, over history, and over His people, “The Lord brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt” (12:51). Freed after four centuries of enslavement, Israel was fashioned into a divine theocracy, which made them different from every other nation that ever existed. They were in good hands with the Almighty, and in His charge the Exodus became a golden success.Read More »Who’s in charge here?

Expect a lot but don’t claim too much

Where were you on Saturday, May 21, 2011, the day the world did NOT end?

Another scholar got it wrong, deceived by his own intellect. We expect more from a Bible student, but things haven’t changed much since the days of Moses (read Deuteronomy 18:22). While Mr. Camping claimed too much for himself (we claim only what the Bible allows us to claim), we lived May 21, 2011 as Commencement Day at Immanuel Lutheran College, Eau Claire, Wisconsin—another day of His grace.Read More »Expect a lot but don’t claim too much

God never loses

Only a fool will challenge the Almighty, and the Emperor of Egypt had to learn the hard way that God never loses a contest. While we shudder as God ravaged Egypt’s economic, civil, and religious life, it does our heart good that God’s will gets done on Earth as well as in heaven. We want to be on God’s side in the winners’ circle.

Let’s watch as Jehovah’s mighty hand won the contest against a foolish mortal who thought he ruled Egypt-land. The EofE (Emperor of Egypt) was a tough fellow, over-confident that he had divine status, and he did not intend to roll over and play dead before a God he did not recognize: Read More »God never loses