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Author: Theodore Quade, Jr.

Graduation Celebration in Kenya

Written by Theodore Quade, Jr. | February, 2019
Post Categories: Mission Newsletter,Missions,
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Graduation services were recently held at the two schools in Kenya that are supported by our CLC Project KINSHIP. Twenty-six eighth graders at St. David’s, Etago, completed their final year on the hillside campus. Some two hundred miles northeast, nine eighth graders were the first graduating class of Emmaus Hill Lutheran School in Moi’s Bridge.… Read More »Graduation Celebration in Kenya Read More

Messiah Lutheran Church—Hales Corners, Wisconsin

Written by Theodore Quade, Jr. | February, 2015
Post Categories: A Slice of Life in CLC,Articles,
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Several of the pastors who have served Messiah Lutheran Church (Left to Right): Prof. John Ude, Prof. David Lau, Pastor Michael Eichstadt (current) and Prof. John Pfeiffer. Messiah Lutheran Church, in Hales Corners, Wisconsin, is one of the charter congregations of the Church of the Lutheran Confession (CLC). The first meeting of the group that… Read More »Messiah Lutheran Church—Hales Corners, Wisconsin Read More

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