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A Deliverance for the Ages

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Moses was in a showdown with Egypt’s powerful king. Though the king despised Moses, the people of Egypt had come to live in fear and awe of him: “The man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh’s servants and in the sight of the people” (Exodus 11:3).

As plague followed plague, Moses’ reputation among the people grew quickly, and soon Egyptian magicians could no longer mimic those plagues.

Moses became “very great” in Egypt when the plagues stopped affecting Goshen at all and after their intensity increased. While the people could not ignore that Moses was the agent of a God much different than any of their own, with a hard heart Pharaoh remained unmoved.A Deliverance for the Ages

God never loses

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Only a fool will challenge the Almighty, and the Emperor of Egypt had to learn the hard way that God never loses a contest. While we shudder as God ravaged Egypt’s economic, civil, and religious life, it does our heart good that God’s will gets done on Earth as well as in heaven. We want to be on God’s side in the winners’ circle.

Let’s watch as Jehovah’s mighty hand won the contest against a foolish mortal who thought he ruled Egypt-land. The EofE (Emperor of Egypt) was a tough fellow, over-confident that he had divine status, and he did not intend to roll over and play dead before a God he did not recognize: God never loses

Prepared, Called, and Equipped

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At the age of forty years Moses was ready to solve Israel’s problems his way. He saw an Egyptian taskmaster beating an Israelite and killed the Egyptian (Exodus 2:11ff)…and then had to flee for his life!

At the age of eighty a humbled Moses was a shepherd working for his father-in-law when a day came that would once again change the course of his life.Prepared, Called, and Equipped